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  1. 4x4cheesecake's post in RSS Crashes before starting was marked as the answer   
    The other is not recommend to use....
    Back to your issue:
    Your game crashes while running kopernicus but I don't think kopernicus is actually the reason. Something is messed up in your ksp install...
    This is your GameData folder:
    Folders and files in GameData: Kopernicus KSCSwitcher ModularFlightIntegrator Stock folder: PluginData RealSolarSystem RSS-Textures RSSDateTime Settings Sigma Sounds Stock folder: Squad Textures Stock file: .DS_Store ModuleManager.3.0.4.dll ModuleManager.3.0.6.dll ModuleManager.3.0.7.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree ModuleManagerLicense.md README.md WBIPlayMode.cfg And this is how it should be:
    Folders and files in GameData: Kopernicus KSCSwitcher ModularFlightIntegrator RealSolarSystem RSS-Textures RSSDateTime Stock folder: Squad ModuleManager.3.0.7.dll You got several folders which are not related to any of the mods you have listed in your OP: PluginData, Settings, Sigma, Sounds, Textures, .DS_Store and WBIPlayMode.cfg.
    ModuleManager 3.0.4 and 3.0.6 are not necassary but the will not be loaded anyway.
    Did you install some other mods before you switched to this setup?
  2. 4x4cheesecake's post in How to change research limit amounts for career was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the forum
    I guess, this can be done with a combination of Custom Barn Kit and ModuleManager.
    Install both mods (don't forget to install the stock config file for the Custom Barn Kit as well, it is linked in the OP Apparently, the default config is bundeld with the mod) and create a MM patch which contains:
    @CUSTOMBARNKIT { @RESEARCH { @scienceCostLimit = 100, 600, -1 } } I haven't tested it but it should work Tested and it works like a charm
    Ofc, you can just edit the stock config of Custom Barn Kit instead of writing a MM patch but this is not recommend.
  3. 4x4cheesecake's post in KSP Loads to Black Screen [RESOLVED] was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the forum
    Apparently, unity cannot find your display
    I've found an entry in a steam discussion and it looks like a possible solution would be to open the Nvidia Control Panel, swtich to 'Adjust desktopsize and position' and change the aspect ratio to 'no scaling'.
    I cannot confirm this because any changes in these settings doesn't break the game for me but it is worth a try
    Link to the original steam discussion: https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/1480982971174752598/
  4. 4x4cheesecake's post in (SOLVED) Random red target always on the ground was marked as the answer   
    Do you use the beta release of KER? Probably a bug of the suicide burn feature.
    edit: I just checked the repo and this seems to be no longer a beta but the question is still the same^^
  5. 4x4cheesecake's post in How do I match orbit inclination with a contract orbit was marked as the answer   
    If you know how to use this wonderful mod, it is all you need to match orbits. I'll try to explain it to you:
    First of all, something about inclination in general: The inclination is always relative to the equator of the body OR relative to your target. If a contract wants you to place something in a orbit will always refere to the equator. If you want to rendevouz with another ship and set the other ship as your target, the important inclination is the one of the ship you want to rendevouz. Since the latter one is about another topic, I'll ignore it here
    0° inclination means, that your orbit ist perfectly aligned with the equator AND your orbit got the same direction of the rotation of the body (usually heading east). If the orbit of your ship rotates in the opposite direction (heading west), your inclination is 180° and a polar orbit got a 90° inclination (or 270° if you orbit in the other direction).
    Imagine the equator and your orbit as a 2D plane while the equatorial plane is in a constant position, you can change the orbit/plane of your ship but there are always 2 spots, where these plane will cross (and an infinite amount if you got perfectly 0° inclination). These are your ascending and descending nodes. The ascending node is the one where you cross the equatorial plane and move 'up' afterwards (relative to the equator), the descendinge node is the opppsite.
    If you aligne the ascending node with the core of the planet, you can imagine a line to connect these points and as soon as this line cross the surface of the planet, you find the 'Longitude of the ascending node'.
    Why is the 'Longitude of the ascending node' interesting? Because it defines the axis you want to use to incline your orbit and the position of your ascending node. KER (kerbal engineer) can be used to read out the position of your ship (latitude and longitude) so you will always know where you need to burn normal / antinormal to incline your orbit to match the one from the contract.
    BUT: I think it is easier to eyeball it Fokus the body you are orbiting so your camera will not move automatically, position the camera so that your own orbit and the required orbit are no longer elipical but just a straight line. These line will cross at some point, these are your ascending/descending nodes (depending on your position). You can place a maneuvernode there or just burn normal /antinormal as soon as your ship crosses this point until both orbits got the same inclination.
    Argument of periapsis:
    Well, I have no easy explanaition for this one...it is the angle between your ascending node and your periapsis. Is that a useful information for you? I don't know but mathematically you need this angle to define the position of your orbit...
    Lets take a closer look at your contract:
    You need an inclination of 170° which is just 10° off of a perfect retrograde orbit, so you want to launch your ship heading west instead of east. I would suggest not to try to launch into a 170° inclined orbit, it is not worth the hassle. If you want to try it anyway, you have to wait until the launchpad is close the ascending/descending node (this is very important!!), than launch your ship heading west. As soon as you reach an altitude of 20 - 30km, you can start to do perform some minor adjustments to your trajectory by pointing the ship a bit more to the north. This should bring you close to the required orbit.
    How can KER help you?
    In my opinion, you will just need the inclination read out of KER, you can eyeball everything else. Use the method I have mentioned to find your ascending/descending node and burn normal/antinormal until the inclination read out reaches 170° (if you launch your ship heading west, you will start at an inclination around 180°). As you said before, it is pretty easy to get the correct Ap/Pe and thats all you will need. Don't worry too much about the longitude of the ascending node and the argument of periapsis, these values are 'just' required to describe the required orbit mathematically but are less useful to actually reach the orbit (pretty sure this is different in reallity^^)
    Of course, you can also use the KER read outs of these values and burn prograde/retrograde in some distance to your Ap to move the Pe around until the read out matches the requirement...but like I said, it is easier to eyeball this stuff
    I hope some of these explanations are understandable for you
  6. 4x4cheesecake's post in BDB No parachute was marked as the answer   
    Uhm...I didn't expect that!
    You should definitly contact the mod creator, I have absolut no idea how this can happen:
    If you want to embed a picture to your post, you have to use a 'direct link' (which ends with .png), i.e. :
    This will automatically result in:

  7. 4x4cheesecake's post in Can not hire crew was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the forum
    There are indeed some NREs regarding the astronaut complex:
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at CrewGenerator.GetRandomName (Gender g, System.Random generator) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CrewGenerator.RandomCrewMemberPrototype (KerbalType type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalRoster.GetNewKerbal (KerbalType type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KolonyTools.AC.CustomAstronautComplexUI.SpawnKerbal (Nullable`1 chosenGender) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KolonyTools.AC.CustomAstronautComplexUI.kHire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KolonyTools.AC.CustomAstronautComplexUI.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Since 'KolonyTools' are mentioned in this message, I have to assume that MKS is the reason for this issue. Uninstall it and try again (in a new save would be the best option, so deleting this mod does not affect your current savegame).
    If it helps, you may installed a wrong version of the mod. Install this version and try again: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/releases/tag/
    BTW: You got  several other issues with wrong mod versions, i.e. editor extensions which got no 1.3.1 release. Try the editor extensions redux adoption of linuxgurugamer instead, which actually provides a version for 1.3.1: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases/tag/3.3.16
    You should check your EVE and Station Science version as well.
  8. 4x4cheesecake's post in Can't use my keyboard ingame. was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the forum
    That's an unusual issue...
    Me neither, but we can try some stuff
    First of all, some more informations would be nice:
    KSP version (also: standalone or steam/gog) OS In this case: Keyboard model You say, the layout is correct recognized, so I guess your settings window looks like this (except for the text language of the menu)?
    When you reinstalled the game, did you check for remaining files before installing the game again? Some settings and savegame files are not deleted when using the uninstall option of steam/windows.
    Just for fun, you can delete/rename the 'settings.cfg' file in your KSP install directory so a new default file will be created as soon as you restart the game.
    Did you install some other software or an update recently?
  9. 4x4cheesecake's post in Lost all control and INFO of spaceship was marked as the answer   
    The link to the screenshot does not work.
    I have a wild guess anyway: like many other kerbonauts, you may like to plant a flag next to a base. Is it possible you switched to the flag instead of the base (or maybe some debris located around)?
  10. 4x4cheesecake's post in I NED HALP WITH CKAN was marked as the answer   
    Even though you are a cute little doggo, I have to ask you some questions first
    You installed SVE through CKAN, so I assume you are playing on KSP 1.4.2, is that correct?
    (Hopefully) the CKAN install is correct, so you must have ModuleManager, EVE and SVE Textures installed as well, is that correct too?
    Do you really mean SVE or EVE? SVE provides several EVE config files but no ingame settings menu, so you actually click the EVE button in your toolbar to configure the mod and the settings window will close after ~30 frames or half a second?
  11. 4x4cheesecake's post in Crafts don't sink was marked as the answer   
    Of course there is one: https://spacedock.info/mod/1705/SinkEmAll
  12. 4x4cheesecake's post in Legs (or any bottom part) explode when undocking/decoupling while landed was marked as the answer   
    I assume you play on KSP 1.4.4? It is a known bug and listed in the bugtracker #19402.
    Maybe try to use the debug menu and enable 'no crash damage' as soon as you want to dock something.
  13. 4x4cheesecake's post in 3 way adaptor question was marked as the answer   
    You can work around this problem:
    1) Build the probe as a separate craft (you probably did that)
    2) Add an additional decoupler at the bottom of your engine
    3) Use the 're-root' function to declare the new decoupler as your root part
    4) Pickup your whole probe without the new root part and save it as subassembly.
    This one is strange...do you try to attach them one by one or via symmetry? Whatever it is, try the other option
  14. 4x4cheesecake's post in wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com was marked as the answer   
    Looks like some kind of regio-block to stop a spam attack. You can try to contact UmbralRaptor via mail, should be 'umbralraptor @ gmail.com'.
    Also, I'll ping @UmbralRaptor here
  15. 4x4cheesecake's post in Probe control and antennae range was marked as the answer   
    Looks like the wiki lacks some informations about this specific topic. You need two things for a probe control point:
    1) A probecore which is capable to be a remote control point (AFAIK, the RC-0015 and RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit are the only probecores which support this)
    2) A pilot
    You can find out if a probecore can be a probe control point in the editor. Just right click the core and scroll trough the 'properties' on the right site of the window. Somewhere needs to be 'Probe Control Point'. This window will also tell you, that you will need at least 1 pilot and if the control point can handle single- or multihop connections (singlehop = direkt link, multihop = additional relays can be used).
    edit: Oh, forgot to anser your questions
    1) You calculation is correct
    2) A relay might help, depends on the trajectory of you probe.
    3)Depends on you You can still try to use a proper probe control point or a relay to save your probe. Also, you always have to option to turn of CommNet in your difficulty settings, save the probe and turn it on again.
  16. 4x4cheesecake's post in How do I install a past version of KSP to be used for modding without overwriting my current version saves? was marked as the answer   
    Right-click KSP in your Steam library, choose 'properties', switch to the 'Beta' tab and choose one of the versions shown in the dropdown menu. If the version you are looking for is not in the list, there is another (bit more complicated) way to get them. You may want to keep your other install, so choose a different install location, create a backup (at least of your savegame!) or rename your current install folder like 'Kerbal Space Program 1.4.4' or whatever version it is.
    But I have to tell you some bad news: Savegames are not backward compatible! If you already load your savegame in 1.4.4., KSP will refuse to load it in an earlier version. You can still edit your savegame in a texteditor and change all version numbers inside to the particular version you want to play with, but there is no guaranty that this will work properly. (Maybe, if you have a quicksave which you haven't loaded in 1.4.4, you can try to rename it to 'persistent.sfs' but thats something I haven't tried by myself so I don't know if it is possible)
  17. 4x4cheesecake's post in crash on vessel spawn was marked as the answer   
    Do you have a crash log as well? The output_log just ends without any error message.
    Also, any reason why you are running the 32bit version of KSP on a 64bit OS and 8GB RAM?
    edit: just did a quick test and I'm running out of memory when I try to run the 32bit version...so maybe you just have to switch to 64bit
  18. 4x4cheesecake's post in setting called #AutoLOC_? was marked as the answer   
    Thats a missing localisation string in KSP 1.4.4 and already listed in the bugtracker:
  19. 4x4cheesecake's post in Impossible to change resolution. was marked as the answer   
    I know that problem, but I don't have a 'good' solution. It should be possible to change the resolution by pressing the button really, really often (like 10 times just to increase the resolution by one step). Another workaround would be to change the resolution in the launcher or direct in the settings.cfg (in line 127 & 128).
  20. 4x4cheesecake's post in Best mod for clouds? (laptop friendly) was marked as the answer   
    You need just the 1.4 version of Sci-Fi and the 1.4.2 version of EVE. Remove all the other versions you have loaded. Your GameData folder should look like this:

    The EVE folder is the 1.4.2 version and NOT the one with is bundlet with Sci-Fi.
  21. 4x4cheesecake's post in Revert to 1.3.0? was marked as the answer   
    This will help you: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=889624474
    Follow the steps, keep in mind that ksp 1.3 release date was May 25, 2017 and you should be able to download ksp 1.3 through steam. Not as comfortable as the beta program, but it is possible.
  22. 4x4cheesecake's post in Placing a maneuver node breaks closest approach marker was marked as the answer   
    Do you have "Always show closest appraoch for target" activated in your graphic settings? This option is pretty useful while planning with a single maneuver node but unfortunately it is also the reason for the markers to appear direct on the spot of a new maneuver node.
  23. 4x4cheesecake's post in Best site were you can download mods for ksp? was marked as the answer   
    Hi and welcome to the forum
    I know three more possibilitys to get mods:
    1) https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program
    2) this forum/github
    You can find a lot (maybe all?) mods here in the addon forum: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/34-add-on-releases/
    The first post of every thread there contains the mod and download informations like links to curseforge, github oder spacedock.
    I don't use CKAN by myself so i cannot tell you much about it, but AFAIK it is a tool to find, install and update mods automatically(incl. dependencys). You can find more informations about CKAN in this thread:
  24. 4x4cheesecake's post in Inconsistent SSTO ascent was marked as the answer   
    For the sake of completeness: Deleting/renaming the existing PartsDatabase.cfg and creating a new one by starting the game will fix most of this problem (at least for the modded tanks), but it looks like there are still some minor differences in drag when using different models.
    Tests and solution can be read here:
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