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Posts posted by Walden

  1. I have a career save named the Philippine Space Agency. Here is the flag I designed for it.


    On top of that, I also have a save game named "Sandbox"...which is actually a science save because I accidentally clicked the science game mode instead of sandbox. But science game mode turned out to be more fun than sandbox, so I left it at that lol. 

  2. This one particular mountain in Kerbin I named "Jebediah's Summit" (even though Bob was the first to reach it). I never really explored Kerbin that much because hey there are other planets to explore! But I soon grew tired of exploring other planets and became curious at what Kerbin itself might offer and I was not disappointed.

    I never used EVE or other graphical improvement mods because my computer is a total potato but I still think the summit is just as beautiful.TqLoR5h.jpg


  3. This is absolutely well written and I love it! I used to do this roleplaying kind of stuff too but I wrote everything down in Microsoft Word. I even imagined divisions similar to yours such as the Rocketry, and Aerospace divisions. 

    I definitely would like to see more from you in the future!


  4. On 4/14/2018 at 7:43 AM, James Kerman said:

    Welcome to the forum, @Walden.

    How does the parachute perform on Duna?


    The parachute performs very much like in Kerbin except the thin atmosphere of Duna makes it a bit difficult to control your speed. But I have to say that landing using a parachute is 100x better and more entertaining than landing in a lander.

  5. Hello there, fellow KSP player!

    I'm Walden and I would like to just drop by and say hello!

    I would say that I'm fairly skilled at the game - I've recently landed on Mars Duna! Here's a picture of Bob Kerman taking the scenic route! HqJTblz.jpg

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to making friends here in the KSP Forums!

    See you all around!

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