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Everything posted by Steve5451

  1. You can only have one processor.
  2. Does your phone have really good zoom or is it that visible? :u
  3. Buying a pre-made PC is a waste of money. They have to make a profit and therefore you don\'t get as much price/performance.
  4. My internet is so slow that anytime it tries to load an image it will compress it to the point where it looks like this.
  5. It\'s probably just rounding that other one person in the world that has to put up with this. My internet peaks at 10 kb/s if I\'m lucky. It can dip into the bytes in the middle of the day.
  6. There\'s nothing good about that. In a match of Team Fortress 2 my ping is over 1000 on the server with the best ping. I can\'t even leave the spawnpoint. ;-; A 30 second YouTube video has to be loaded for half an hour on 240p.
  7. All of you take your internet for granted. >:C I had to reload the page 3 times until speedtest could even connect to my server. I\'ve been spending the last 20 minutes downloading a 500kb file that just failed.
  8. Carts on the Mün are a blast. Just quicksave and head for the hills. They survive high falls assuming you don\'t have a bunch of extra weight on top.
  9. Ohmygosh Rotation of things should be default with Q and E
  10. Skyrim was like so two months ago/10
  11. Make sure to add that Jeb sticker. It will go both higher and faster.
  12. Hmm 8/10 did not know. Howcome there\'s no English option? D:
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