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Everything posted by MilkyMarauder

  1. OK now that I know what I was looking for a did some more reading. I realise its nearly impossible without making my own part. Bummer. Thanks for the help anyway.
  2. Ahhh ok. I actually have only tried to change the small fuel tank and RCS funnily enough, but I'm still unable to get it to work. I'm able to change the name of the part and a few other parameters, but not the texture. No matter what I do to it, the textures stay the same. So maybe there is textures in the folder but the game doesn't use them?
  3. Fantastic I'll give it a go. Could I simply copy the part and rename it then put the logo on. So that I have one part with the logo and one part without? Thanks for your help
  4. +1 for reentry heating! I'd obviously love the campaign system but ill be patient. Everytime I show friends this game they always ask if there is a campaign.
  5. Hey guys! I've officially started up my space agency and have designed a logo. Does anyone know a relatively simple way of putting the logo on my spaceships? Thanks.
  6. Hey guys, I'm setting up my space agency and have designed a logo for it. Is there anyway to put a custom logo onto the side of my spaceship? Thanks for your help!
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