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Everything posted by IDontKnowJack

  1. thanks, ill give it a try when i get home. i do notice each version doesnt support older craft. i downloaded all those cool craft like the aegies destroyer etc and it wont work on the new ksp bda version bummer. this is type of game that i would love to donate to those cool guys who mod the game to perfection. i can see it happening.
  2. hey guys, so i downloaded bda mod. This game is not user friendly. is there anyone with skype or discord that can help me live? I dont need the basic function how to get things going. i want to setup up auto pilot but when i watched a video my setting doesnt appear the exactly same way. i want to setup auto pilot and patriot missile on different team but when i tried to use the map view it said i cant switch my craft is in atmosphere. when i tired to use space center or tracking center its in orange and it said it will revert my craft back to beginning. all the video i watch on youtube where those guys skipped the detail how to get two craft running at the same time lol. i understand how to use the radar etc but basic function is no where to be found
  3. i purchased DCS too. thats my second option if i couldnt figure how out to play ksp. i like how ksp can code the mechanic of the craft to the person desire. the physic is realistic - like how the missile predict the target where its going to be intercepted. except i have no understanding of coding. i cant even code basic html for myspace back in the days. I believe people like to mod their craft and share it with the community. thats why im here. i guess i need to learn the basic function how to operate the craft ingame. i saw one guy who link to one of his aegies destroyer.
  4. Hi guys! I'm new to this game as i discover it by accident searching on youtube of S-300, s-400 missile. I just love watching how missile locate its target in mid air course. I play BF3 with Anti air tank and sit all day just shooting helicopter and jets but the physical aspect of it is not all realistic specially the airspace is small. Anyways, as my name suggested, i have no clue where to start. If anyone can make a straight forward video of a tutorial how to build a basic anti air missile and radar. that would be great. I know you guys going to ask me to go through training mode... isnt this community is for. We asked for help and you guys delivered . I purchased a brand new laptop just so it can handle this game. Maybe there should be a personal trainer... ok maybe i ask for too much
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