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Everything posted by LouW

  1. Thanks for the help everyone. Vanamonde nailed it! Checked everything I could think of and never looked at the throttle setting. Boy am I a dummy.
  2. Playing on PS4 with latest update, career mode. Problem is the rocket engine seems to burn twice as long as it should. Use a LV-T45 engine with a liquid fuel burn rate of 6.166 units/sec., and an oxidizer burn rate of 7.536 units/sec. Use a FL-T100 fuel tank holding 45 units of liquid fuel, and 55 units of oxidizer. 45 units of liquid fuel divided by 6.166 units/sec = 7.3 second burn time. 55 units of oxidizer divided by 7.536 units/sec = 7.3 second burn time. The fuel and oxidizer mix and burn together, so the total burn time should be 7.3 seconds. When I launch the rocket it burn for 14.6 seconds. Where am I going wrong?
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