ok, but that has been listed in that status for a long time, according to the forums so that excuse is kinda BS, considering the fact that 1.5 seems to have just come out in october, according to steam, and there hasn't been a demo and has been listed in update status for OVER a year! the fact that the page has been listed as "under Maintenence" for over a year, and they have been working on a new version for over a year, and they keep putting out new versions of the demo, but NOT making them available for public use, especially when the new version just came out is a bit ridiculous!
what about the sale for the game? I will totally buy it if they put the sale on for the gog version. I get the feeling that they forgot there is a gog version, as they haven't had a decent sale for it for a VERY long time on gog. I have been watching.