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  1. I've got a PSA for everyone: A similar bug to the one mentioned above is possible in 1.4.4 but thankfully I found the workaround as I was about to post this... Symptom - A fairing will cause drag as if the fairing has already been deployed. Deploying the fairing doesn't change the drag amount at all. Cause/Workaround - If the root part of your vessel is a fairing, that fairing will experience this bug 100% of the time from my experience and testing. Setting the root of your vessel to any other part will get rid of the bug. It applies to all fairing sizes but not to cargo bays or service modules.
  2. It doesn’t matter what the seat is in (fairing, cargo bay, service bay, etc.), the kerbal always causes drag even though no parts inside with it (including the seat) cause any drag. The drag caused by kerbals isn’t too bad when they are seated vertically, but if you lay them down, it increases by nearly 10x. Basically the bug is that kerbals in command seats (but not the seat itself) cause drag no matter where the seat is, even if it should be shielded by something. And I don’t have any mods. I’m not going into EVA from inside the fairing. I’m coming from outside the fairing, clipping the camera into it to see the command seat, then getting close enough to board. The kerbal basically just teleports through the fairing. But the only thing that would keep you from being able to EVA from inside a fairing is if the fairing wall is too close to the crew hatch. Also, if you EVA from a command seat from inside the fairing, you just get shoved out of the fairing.
  3. Just clip the camera into the fairing to pull up the action menu for the command seat. Then move your kerbal close enough to it and the “board seat” command will pop up. Click that, and you’re in.
  4. It’s been an issue for a long time now. Kerbals that are sitting in external command seats cause drag even though they are inside a fairing. The fairing DOES shield them from heating, but doesn’t keep them from causing drag. I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere surprisingly. Is this a known bug, intentional, or has no one noticed this? Does anyone know of a workaround for it? Thanks ahead of time Edit: Just found out it’s a known issue. I’m still curious if there is a workaround for it of any kind.
  5. I'm still getting issues with Kerbals that are in command seats. They still cause drag as if they aren't inside a fairing. Is there a setting I can change to fix this or is it a bug?
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