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Everything posted by HobbesFR

  1. My fault : there was still an extension in the game. I removed it and it's all working correctly. We need something to manage the installed extensions.
  2. Hello, I have Kerbal since some years now and I wanted to restart play the game in career mode with the new 1.4.3 but it's the first time i encounter this problem: I precise i uninstalled my Kerbal steam version and reinstalled a fresh one. As soon as i go to map (M or button) and that i come back to vessel, the stage is locked (pink button). ALT-L doesn't deactivate the lock. Only workarounds found are : - fast save, fast load (reload the vessel) - open "radar" station to select his vessel and jumping into it (reload the vessel) - or use the CTRL-ALT-F12 to open debug mode and click on the erase the lock command => EASIEST workaround Finally, i keep this debug window opened to fast click this button until a solution is provided. My version is - windows 64b - fr-fr "vanilla" (no mods) and i don't have the "Making History Expansion". Here is a video of the bug : https://youtu.be/bvYm5_rLGCk
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