Sometimes when trying to set up interplanetary encounters, the 'closest approach' marker seems bugged. It shows the correct closest approach, but as soon as I place a maneuver node anywhere it moves the closest approach marker directly on top of the node.
For example, here I'm trying to get to Moho:
You can see the closest approach seems correct, 80,310.6km from Moho right near where my orbit and Moho's orbit intersect.
Then I place a maneuver node at a random place:
As you see it moves the closest approach marker onto the maneuver node, now showing 17+ million km. If I move the maneuver node, the closest approach marker happily moves along with the node, making it seem like the closest approach is always going to be exactly at the node position. It does not matter what dV values I give the node, it always shows the closest approach as being at the node.
I tried reinstalling my mods, uninstalling maneuver node mods, restarting KSP... same behaviour. Using the latest KSP Windows x64.
I've run into frustrating issues like this with the closest approach marker a number of times now. Anybody have a fix or workaround?