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    Rocket Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan
  1. Probably way too many things to count, but here are a few... I use MechJeb launch assist because I'm too lazy to do my own gravity turn I can't build/fly a plane, SSTO, or shuttle to save my life I used to not be able to build a craft capable of landing on the Mun or Minmus (since gotten so much better, am doing that very regularly in my career save) Too scared to send any craft out of the Kerbin system, but I'm hoping to change this in the next few days!
  2. Thank you all for your great answers, I knew I had to leave Kerbin orbit eventually!
  3. Probably an awful question but I was wondering if it was possible to return to Kerbin fairly soon (a few days in game) after an interplanetary transfer to Duna instead of waiting for the next transfer window. I am also trying to keep the delta-v as low as possible.
  4. Hello, I am currently experimenting with moving Kerbin around another planet using Kopernicus, and for whatever reason the view of the Space Center is all black. Spawning a ship on the launch pad or runway still works fine. As shown: And here is a link to the config file I have: @Kopernicus:AFTER[KOPERNICUS] { %Body[Kerbin] { cacheFile = Kerbon/Cache/Kerbin.bin %Template { %name = Kerbin } %Properties { isHomeWorld = true @ScienceValues { } } %Orbit { %referenceBody = Kerbon semiMajorAxis = 40000000 inclination = 0 eccentricity = 0 longitudeOfAcendingNode = 0 } } } I am afraid I am missing a few parameters, I am just not sure what they are. Any ideas?
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