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Posts posted by jkopp415

  1. Probably way too many things to count, but here are a few...

    • I use MechJeb launch assist because I'm too lazy to do my own gravity turn
    • I can't build/fly a plane, SSTO, or shuttle to save my life
    • I used to not be able to build a craft capable of landing on the Mun or Minmus (since gotten so much better, am doing that very regularly in my career save)
    • Too scared to send any craft out of the Kerbin system, but I'm hoping to change this in the next few days!
  2. Hello, I am currently experimenting with moving Kerbin around another planet using Kopernicus, and for whatever reason the view of the Space Center is all black. Spawning a ship on the launch pad or runway still works fine.

    As shown:


    And here is a link to the config file I have:

    		cacheFile = Kerbon/Cache/Kerbin.bin
    			%name = Kerbin
    			isHomeWorld = true
    			%referenceBody = Kerbon
    			semiMajorAxis = 40000000
    			inclination = 0
    			eccentricity = 0
    			longitudeOfAcendingNode = 0

    I am afraid I am missing a few parameters, I am just not sure what they are.

    Any ideas?

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