I decided to take a “Save Kerbal from Minmus”, to make a few bucks to upgrade my science station.
Deciding to build a new cheap rocket from scratch, with an OKTO2 to save weight (unmanned).
Everything went well until my rescue-ship landed on Minmus, and I discovered I had forgot to put an antenna on the ship... and I’d landed too far away from the stranded Kerbal to “activate” him.
Ok, rescue mission no. 2 was sent off.... with an antenna.... but approaching Minmus Ap, and beginning to prepare for the burn to get into orbit, I discovered I had forgotten to open the solar panels, and there was no power onboard...
Ok, rescue misson no. 3 was sent off.... and this one succeded
In the end I could just as well have used my old expensive “science hauler with 2 crew” to pick him up....