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Everything posted by Reverant77

  1. Love your work, although I am still bad at designing stable VTOL jet craft which work! Just a qucik thing I have noticed. When using procedural tanks, I need to load the craft on to the pad/runway, then switch to tracking station then back to the craft before TCA will work correctly. Anyway, real reason for posting - when are you releasing the awesome magnetic lifter??
  2. When I click 'add waypoints' it adds the first waypoint immediately underneath the button, then i cant remove that one. Ill try again tomorrow, didnt realise right clicking stopped adding waypoints.
  3. Thing is I can't use the waypoints without it as even though it works, I end up with 5 extra waypoints because of click through
  4. Hi, love the idea of this mod, and really impressed with it! - I have been playing with the waypoint nodes, however even though I have click through blocker installed, every time i click on the TCA window it is adding waypoints through the window. DO I have to do something to enable click through block on TCA windows? (I'm not a modder, programmer, or even very smart - so layman's terms would be great if it's something I need to do :p)
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