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Posts posted by Kev1n8088

  1. I've got a weird issue relating to the KSPe missing DLL alert. After reading through the forums and following the basic troubleshooting methods posted, I found the first exception thrown was by Janitors Closet:

    [ERR 02:29:14.031] [AssemblyLoader] Exception when getting assembly attributes: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
    Additional information about this exception:
     System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'JanitorsCloset.JanitorsClosetLoader:Log' (0) due to: Could not load file or assembly 'KSP_Log, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. assembly:KSP_Log, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type:<unknown type> member:(null) signature:<none>

    So, I deleted janitors closet as it was an unnessary mod and I could live without it. I was curious though, so I made a clean install of KSP and installed only janitors closet and tweakscale (+ dependencies ofc). Weirdly, an exception was not thrown and I could load the game fine. I tried adding JC back to my main install, and sure enough, the exception was thrown.

    The log for my main install, the one where JC threw the exception, is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jeundgqwpfjxglg/KSP.log?dl=0

    If someone could look into why this oddity occurred, that would be great! It's not really urgent because JC is just a quality of life mod, but I have a feeling that this may come to bite me in my a** later. 

  2. Hi, I'm trying to modify the HEKV missile to be useful in space warfare. However, for some reason, the missile swerves off target right before impact, instead of going in for the kill. My current config file is below:


    // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config
    // --- general parameters ---
    name = bahaHEKV1
    module = Part
    author = BahamutoD
    // --- asset parameters ---
    mesh = model.mu
    rescaleFactor = 1
    // --- node definitions ---
    node_attach = 0.0, 0.1232686, -0.3764487, 0, 1, 0, 0
    node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1232686, 0.0, 0, 1, 0, 0
    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired = precisionEngineering
    entryCost = 2100
    cost = 4000
    category = none
    bdacategory = Missiles
    subcategory = 0
    bulkheadProfiles = srf
    title = HE-KV-1 Missile
    manufacturer = Kerman Dynamics
    description = The HE-KV-1 is a radar guided high explosive missile designed for space warfare. It has very strong RCS thrusters to guide it toward it's target, however it is vulnerable to PDC fire as it's rudimentary computer system means it flies in a predictable path that makes it easy to intercept. 
    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1
    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.14
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.01
    minimum_drag = 0.01
    angularDrag = 2
    crashTolerance = 5
    maxTemp = 3600
    	name = MissileLauncher
    	shortName = HEKV
    	thrust = 10
    	cruiseThrust = 2.5
    	dropTime = 1
    	boostTime = 4
    	cruiseTime = 120
    	maxTurnRateDPS = 360 //degrees per second
    	decoupleSpeed = 5
    	decoupleForward = true
    	hasRCS = true
    	rcsThrust = 60
    	audioClipPath = BDArmory/Sounds/jet
    	guidanceActive = true //missile has guidanceActive
    	homingType = RCS
    	targetingType = radar
    	missileType = missile
    	DetonationDistance = 1
    	activeRadarRange = 100000
    	maxOffBoresight = 180
    	lockedSensorFOV = 2
    	radarLOAL = true
    	minStaticLaunchRange = 5000
    	maxStaticLaunchRange = 100000
    	engageAir = true
    	engageMissile = true
    	engageGround = false
    	engageSLW = false
    	name = BDExplosivePart
    	tntMass = 300

    Could someone who is familiar with missiles help me with this? Thanks a lot!

  3. I have just updated to 1.10, and the KSP loading screen shows that all mods are compatible, but after the loading reaches the item "UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Parts/LightGlobe.cfg", it stops, and won't continue loading. How can I prevent this? I would provide you with the logs, but I don't know here they are. Thanks!


  4. 19 hours ago, wumpus said:

    If you are using ions, then you will likely be stuck with continous burns, but still you will stop far before the half-way point.  The halfway flip and burn is the hallmark of torchships, which are the antithesis of efficiency but as fast as possible.

     KSP doesn't really want to reward efficiency, even though that appears to be an overall goal...

    1. Yep, I know the halfway flip is inefficient and all, since you would never need so much speed. Although I do have Karbonite+, soo..... TORCHSHIPS IT IS! lol

    2. Yeah, I realize that. Even a burn a couple of minutes long is inaccurate by a dozen or so meters per second at best. The "encouraged" TWR of ships in KSP is quite high, even in orbit. Like, most people would rarely purposefully build ships with a TWR below 0.2 if they could help it, even though most ships IRL have incredibly low TWRs. The apollo CSM had a TWR of just over 0.1, and lots of ion probes have TWRs lower than 0.001

  5. So, I've been trying to make an extremely efficient probe. The issue is, the TWR is insanely low (0.01 or worse), so most of my burns would have to be hours long. I would prefer to do a countinuous burn to the target, and then burn retrograde at the half mark, sort of like the types of burn in "The Martian". Is there a good mod that can help me plan such a burn? 

  6. Hi, I've got some issues with this mod.

    Problem: I use DE_IVA (With RasterPropMonitor of course), and it worked fine for a while, but then for some mysterious reason it stopped working, as in when I selected the monitor mode of VV on DE_IVA, it was blank. Everything else worked, but the VV monitor mode was black apart from the side controls, which didn't change anything. I reinstalled VV, and then everything in DE_IVA was blank - the buttons were blank and unresponsive, lights were dark, monitors were black, etc.  

    My troubleshooting steps and results:

    1. I first tried to remove the merged files from VV in the JSI folder. DE_IVA worked, but when I selected VV mode, it said VV was not installed.

    2. I tried to systematically add and remove files based on whether it worked or not. I found out that the "license.md" file was causing trouble. When I removed it and then selected VV, nothing happened, but the monitor I selected it on would become unresponsive, unless I quicksaved and quickloaded. 

    Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!


  7. 16 hours ago, ValiZockt said:

    I can't help you with that B9PartSwitch Error without further information, but F9 and Starship using Methalox is probably because of the Extra_MethaloxEngine.cfg Patch that gets applied if you ether have CryoTanks or/and RationalResources installed

    Eh, doesn't matter. I edited the configs for the for B9 Parts Switch to included lqd methane and LMOx. Not the most elegant solution, but it works. 

  8. I love the look of stock KSP, but EVE improves it so much. The only issue now is I'm torn over the different configs. My current choices are SVE, Spectra, and the standard config EVE is "bundled" with. Can anyone help me decide? They all seem similar, but they also seem quite different. 

  9. I haven't tried ESLD JBs, but from what I've heard you need a jump beacon to jump. I'm proposing to make the player have to program the jump him/herself, and the becons only be assistance.

    Maybe have the jump waypoint harder to establish.

    Also, I'm pretty sure you could use the mechanics for life support, like how they drain supplies and stuff, you can use that to drain EC instead.


    Thought of a new, less OP jump drive mod that requires more work by the player. I can code, but don't really have the time to develop or maintain a mod, so if anyone can help develop this that would be awesome!


    Jump drive

    Jump capactitor

    Jump computer

    Jump waypoint


    To jump, you need a Jump Drive and a Jump Capacitor. Other parts will assist, but the bare minimum are these two parts. A Jump Capacitor can store an amount of "Jump Energy", which is basically Electric charge. It will fill up like any other electric battery with electricty provided by reactors, solar arrays, etc, but can only be drained by a jump drive. THERE CAN BE MULTIPLE JUMP CAPCITORS ON ONE SHIP.

    A Jump Drive will have a maximum range and a maximum mass the ship it can carry. The more capable a jump drive is, the more massive and large it is. To jump, you have to enter in the XYZ coordinate (centered at the sun) of your jump location, your target direction of movement using a vector, and your target orbital speed. A jump will drain your jump capacitors using this formula: Jump energy use = mass^2 * distance * change in speed^2. As the planets are rotating around the sun, if you enter the same thing twice at different times, you will end up in different places. If you jump into a planet, RIP. After a jump, a jump drive will have to recalibrate itself by cooling down for a predetermined amount of time, possibly affected by the jump distance. If you mess up your coords, you end up in a different location. If you mess up your direction or speed, your orbit will be messed up. 

    Due to the difficulty in calculating your jump, the Jump Computer will assist you. You can enter the planet, the altitude, the inclination of your target orbit, and the time of the jump. It will then drain EC and Karborundum continuously while calculating (Karborundum is already in community resource pack). After some time, it will spit out the coords, vector and speed of your target orbit, which can be entered into your jump drive. If you run out of EC or Karborundum while it is calculating, it will shut down and you lose all your previous calculations, wasting EC and Karborundum. There can be multiple jump computers on one ship, which can accelerate the calculations.

    To not constantly use Karborundum, you can set a Jump Waypoint on where you want to jump. A jump waypoint will constantly drain EC, and will only function if there is enough EC. You can set your Jump waypoint anywhere, although it is recommended to place it in stable orbit for a healthy jump. You can then choose the jump waypoint in your Jump drive instead of entering coords and such, and you will be jumped within 150 meters of it. For this guidance to work, you must have a comm link to the Waypoint directly or with one relay connecting the two. THE KSC DOES NOT COUNT AS A RELAY, AND WILL NOT WORK.

    Due to these mechanics, if you want a efficient jump system, you should deploy waypoints around the solar system. You can also have a large "carrier" with a large jump drive and lots of jump capacitors, where other ships can dock to to be carried to their respective destination, so you don't need a jump drive on every ship. 

    This is a concept, and I may develop it, but it would be awesome if anyone would help the development or have experience in this sort of instant transport mechanics. 


  11. On 3/6/2020 at 10:40 AM, OHara said:

    The most satisfying way, when it works, is to select the probe core closest to those reaction wheels as the 'control-from-here' part.  That avoids the real-life feedback oscillations, that you get when your rotation-sensor (probe core) is wobbling in a direction opposite to your rotation-actuator (reaction wheels).

    If USI or other mods you like include a way to send a Kerbal on EVA to connect struts, that is also satisfying.


    That actually makes sense! I tried that and it worked. Did a slow thrust and there was virtually no wobbling.

  12. I'm currently building a colony ship to go to Duna. Unloaded, it should weigh in at a tad over 1400 tons and is around the length of the SPH. Due to this, when I'm rotating the ship, no matter with RCS or with reaction wheels, the entire ship flexes. Strutting helps, but as it's constructed in orbit, I can't strut different segments together. The segments aren't connected via docking ports, I'm using the construction port from USI to weld parts together. My reaction wheels are concentrated in one area, and I can't change that as I have a specific model to go after. Is there a way to stop this wobbling? I haven't dared to perform a manuever, it'll probably shake itself apart. 

  13. The KonKorp Aircraft manufacturing Korporation has recently created it's first Supersonic airliner, The KonKorde! With its amazing speed and range, no airline can ignore this jet's magnificence!

    The KonKorde: https://kerbalx.com/Kev1n828/KonKorde


    The KonKorde is a modded Supersonic aircraft using Airplane Plus and Tweakscale. It flies faster than most stock fighter jets, at a low low price of 196,659,000 Funds!

    This Splendid plane lifts off from the ground at just under 65 M/S and accelerates quickly to the speed of sound, due to it's 2 extremely overpowered scaled-up Panther jet engines. With the afterburners on, the KonKorde can perform Super Short Runway Takeoff. This allows you to use the plane even in remote airports.

    The jet can easily reach Mach 1.5, and if you push it, it will go to Mach 3. Your kerbals will be at their destination in minutes! Regular cruising speed is around 800M/S, at an altitude of 10,000M. When over Mach 1.5, do not maneuver too aggressively,  as the high G-Forces will rip the plane apart. Try using precision control when flying at high speed. The proven range in 1500KM, but with a bit of fiddling with the throttle, you could get it to fly further.

    The two huge jet engines are mounted on the wing, reasonable far from the passengers for maximum comfort while maintaining structural integrity. The plane can carry 96 kerbals with 3 pilots. The more kerbals, the more profit you get from the tickets! The revolutionary droop nose allows pilots to have a clear line of sight to the runway while maintaining aerodynamic stability when the nose is back in place. That means better control and obstacle avoidance when the nose is down, and better speed when the nose is back up.

    Flying this plane is not very difficult at all. Just use SAS to keep your plane steady during supersonic flight, and dip down every so often as the jet has a tendency to tip back. This equals less pilot training, reducing costs. 

    Finally, the KonKorde has extraordinary safety records. It can ditch into any body of water and not lose a single part. Just fly close to the water with the brakes action group on and glide into the ocean. The engines beneath the wings can support the entire plane to let it float above the water. It can even lift off from the water again, due to the fact that our engines are made to float above the water, so the engine intakes will no be clogged with seaweed. With this safety precaution, kerbals will never have to worry about the plane falling out of the sky!

    In summary, due to the extreme range, speed, control, capacity, and safety records, If you purchase the KonKorde, your airline will no doubt become the most profitable airline company on Kerbin!


    Name: KonKorde

    Cost: 196,659,000 Funds

    Category: Supersonic Airliner

    Cruising Speed: 800-900 M/S

    Max Speed: 1000 M/S

    Liftoff Speed: 65 M/S

    Stall Speed: 35 M/S

    Cruising Altitude: 10,000-11,000 M

    Max  Altitude: 12,500 M

    Capacity: 99 (96+3) Kerbals

    Range: 1500 KM


  14. I tried this project with a slightly modified code that was copied from A Kerbal Player's Guide And I made this project but expanded. This is what happens: 

    1. I load the vessel onto launchpad
    2. When it is loading, The handshake LED lights up for 2 seconds, then fades out.
    3. Not a bit a signal after that
    4. The second launch, absolutely no lights
    5. Same with all the launches that follow
    6. After I reset the Arduino and bring the vessel to the pad, steps 2-5 repeat.

    Why does this happen? Any comments and suggestions will be welcome!


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