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Posts posted by Boersgard

  1. turns out it's worse than just the weird ground texture; partway through flight my rockets look like they vibrate, and will become invisible if I zoom in. This issue then initially goes away once I reach orbit, but then after some time the rocket will once again go invisible, but at all distances, with only a sort of shadow outline showing where it is.

    My guess is that it's some sort of shader problem.

  2. I've uninstalled all my other graphics mods and installed Spectra and its dependencies, but I'm getting some sort of strange grid for my terrain: eBPwc6m.jpg



    Everything else seems to be working fine, just strange ground textures. Yes, I've downloaded and copied over the KSRPC terrain folder. There's also some transparency issues with solar panels (see through when they should not be). Is this maybe an issue with dx11?

  3. I've currently got Stock Visual Terrain, Scatterer, Distant Object Enhancement, Planetshine, Environmental Visual Enhancements, and Astronomer's Visual Pack 4K installed.

    What would be the recommended/compatible mods for use with Spectra? It sounded like Planetshine is already be included in the mod?

    If I can get similar visuals to the above modlist with fewer mods installed, (preferably just spectra alone) I'd prefer to go that way. Perhaps in the OP a compatibility/incompatibility list for what other visual mods conflict or work with Spectra?

  4. Just change the total to 4096 and save the file.

    Since you have 32GB of RAM, you could go higher than this, but I personally found that large amounts of RAM allocation = longer garbage collection stutters. Too little RAM allocation and you get stutters too frequently, but too large and the stutter takes long enough you start wondering if the game crashed and it's almost equally as annoying.

    So I prefer sticking with 4096.

  5. I've had this minor issue for awhile now (maybe even in the base game?), where if I add any cockpit/crew module/service module after the first, it starts to progressively destroy my framerate. 2 modules is tolerable, but anything after that gets really bad. At 6+ modules I can start counting my framerate manually.

    And it doesn't matter if the parts are even attached to anything. If I just select it and drop the red, transparent module in the SPH/VAB it will still cause an FPS hit.

    Is it normal for this to happen?

  6. Tested the latest beta release, there seems to be some kind of problem with the 90 degree hinged joint, as when I attach it to my craft and then timewarp it causes some weird blackscreen and blows up the ship - and then crashes the game if I try to go back to launch/spacecenter/VAB.

    The problem occurs inconsistently - sometimes I can timewarp on the ground and no problem, sometimes I can timewarp under acceleration at liftoff and no problem, but eventually the problem will occur during timewarp, either with no acceleration, or under acceleration, and usually before I exit atmosphere.

    Removing the hinged joint from my craft stopped this from happening. (To add: The hinged joint was placed on top of an IR Rotatron)

  7. 11 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    Not much to go on there, but I can't think of much else you could add.

    Mod list?  Does it occur in a pure stock install?  Have you tried removing possible offending mods?

    I guess it really was this easy - I removed the roverbrain mod on a hunch and everything is back to functioning normally.

    Nevermind - spoke too soon. Only the probe cores from the Tantares mod are working.

  8. For whatever reason none of my Probe SAS cores work anymore (I recently had to reinstall everything). SAS and RCS works fine with a pilot, but if I use a probe core, they won't function at all.  The only exception to this if I include the rover control system from rover science continued. (e.g. normal probe core + rover control from mod).

    How do I check what's causing the error and fix it?

  9. The most recent update (actually I think one update before the current one (current one is 0.9.7)) caused an error on install via CKAN. Something about name length? Can't recall specifics. Forced me to have to reinstall everything because KSP would crash while loading.

    Now everything is reinstalled and works, but RCS Build Aid does not show up in the toolbar anymore. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling RCS Build Aid and did not change the outcome. I can live without it, but just wanted to let you know there's some kind of error going on. I don't get any warning messages or any indication there's a problem, just the toolbar button doesn't show up, neither in the stock toolbar nor blizzy's.

  10. ocfZ6Hl.png

    Previously I was having difficulty docking, now it seems I'm not able to transfer crew.

    What's preventing me from being able to do this? Both spacecraft are docked and have crew compartments, both airlocks are open. All components are crew passable. So what gives?


    (Thankfully I can complete my contract by EVA, but still...)

  11. On 4/12/2018 at 9:20 AM, Warezcrawler said:

    Well..... most performance issues actually stems from mod not being optimized more than Squad not doing their jobs. I have gained a lot of performance by recompiling mods with changes, and removing some of the worst ones I've identified in my installation.

    No need to worry about licensing problems; just pass the changes on up to the devs and let them incorporate them if they want.

  12. https://my.mixtape.moe/mmnbfo.webm

    Everything is green or white across the board in static analysis from mach 0.35 all the way up to ~5km (and it's stable at mach 0.26 @0km), but the aircraft is have serious stability issues during takeoff and shortly after - particularly when SAS or FAR's SAS equivalent are turned off.

    With SAS off, the plane starts to drift left on the runway, then yaws and rolls left. If I turn SAS on, I'm able to take-off fine, but then I start to get yaw oscillations and any kind of turn or yaw makes the aircraft unstable. I'm not really sure what I can change to fix this.

  13. I get the following error in CKAN:


    About to install...

     * Mk2 Stockalike Expansion 2:1.8.1 (cached)

    Oh no!

    It looks like you're trying to install a mod which is already installed,
    or which conflicts with another mod which is already installed.

    As a safety feature, the CKAN will *never* overwrite or alter a file
    that it did not install itself.

    If you wish to install Mk2Expansion 2:1.8.1 via the CKAN,
    then please manually uninstall the mod which owns:

    Ships/VAB/M2X Stork.craft

    and try again.

    Your GameData has been returned to its original state.



    How do I find out which mod contains the .craft file, and would it be possible to just delete whatever that file is, rather than uninstall the offending mod?

  14. 10 hours ago, The-Grim-Sleeper said:

    So, I know that 4x4cheesecake's recompile guide is right there, and I really shouldn't join in on the beggars choir and I could totally get that visual studio stuff to run if I was willing to put in the time and effort to boot to windows and install that stuff (or whatever is the smart way of doing that sort of stuff in Ubuntu)...

    tbh it's probably easier in Linux; when I tried getting visual studio to work it turned into a minefield of .net whatever dependencies and I never managed to get compiling and running a program to actually work. Not even a basic "hello world!" Genuinely Dev C++ (by bloodshed software) was significantly easier to understand/use than VS (And significantly smaller/faster, but way fewer features; it would probably not be good for recompiling FAR since you'll do everything manually). For Linux, programming pretty much works right out of the box - nano or vim to edit, terminal to compile/run. For something most similar to VS on linux, I found CLion worked great.

    I'm not any kind of guru with this stuff - I barely do any programming at all - it's just what I found trying to learn my way through it. Linux with whatever was way, way, easier to get working than visual studio on windows.

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