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Everything posted by Execut1ve

  1. now that's handy - sure to save some R&D time in the future!
  2. after some experimentation, I have a theory for what is happening: In Kerbin's gravity, the landing legs supporting the pieces are compressed somewhat. When the docking port is undocked, each leg imparts a force on the craft proportional to how compressed it was (so it would seem) I downloaded HyperEdit and tested changed the gravity to Minmus levels. The landing legs were barely compressed, if at all, due to the decreased gravity. I did not notice any parts jumping around or exploding or undocking, so that's good enough for me as Minmus is where these pieces are headed anyway! Thanks all for the input!
  3. no luck so far - in fact it seems like offsetting the ports to protrude more has made the recoil worse!
  4. I'll try rebuilding the craft and base section in question, keeping everything extra clean around the docking ports
  5. Hi all, I am working to establish a modular base system and am in the process of testing the components landed on Kerbin. I am using a small rover with a docking port on top to mate with a docking port on the bottom of my base sections, move them into place, undock and drive off. The problem occurs immediately after a docking port is docked or undocked - the whole craft lurches significantly. If undocking, the base section (with the downward facing docking port) flies off in a random direction, and comes to rest several meters away and sometimes even flips over. Components seem to randomly explode also. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there some obvious error in craft design or procedures I'm making? Any guidance is appreciated! Thanks for reading!
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