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  1. Just a quick question? When I load a new or an old save, once in the KSC, I open the Mod Panel, and it only shows the toolbars that are available in the KSC. Then once for example, I go to any of the facilities i.e the VAB/SPH, the Mod Panel afterwards has the toolbars from those facilities listed. Same with any new scene, if it has a new toolbar that has not been loaded(seen?), from that moment the toolbar is listed in the Mod Panel. This only happens after a reload of the game, if I quit the save and open it again (without reloading the game) it will have the toolbars from the last play of that save (but only the ones that have been again loaded(seen?)). So the question is, is this normal behaviour or is something going on that should not? Not really much of a "Big" issue, once you play 5 minutes of that save, most of the toolbars have been used anyways. It is just, that it would be awesome to have them all from start listed there . Never looked at modding in KSP (from the coding part), so I have no clue how the toolbars are done and is there just a easy way of querying all of the toolbars..
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