I don't have problems getting encounters with Eve, that part is simple enough. I just can't seem to satisfy constraints. I've made sure that I select all the correct event and body before running the optimiser, but it still doesn't seem to work. I've documented what I do when I optimised the encounter with screenshots, so maybe that will help you identify what I'm doing wrong. It's here: https://imgur.com/a/bI0O067
I tried to start from scratch (again) and tried to use the tips that you gave in your reply. I couldn't even get through step 1. I followed the instructions provided, but it just couldn't satisfy the hyperbolic velocity R.A., declination, or magnitude constraints. Again, it was way off what I see the bounds to be. I probably made a mistake somewhere, but I don't understand where. Here is the file for that: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z0JfEJ3Z1MN6T916YSw6plDB36onPQ2l/view?usp=sharing