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  1. I'll be quite busy for the next two weeks or so, but after that I'm going to work on some scripts for spot landing. Boostback script is already done and it works quite well, but with precision of ~1 km. I want to rewrite it so it boosts a lander/stage to wherever the landing zone is, not only retrograde, and add some atmospheric steering for more precision
  2. 1.1.1 Update Added dir.ks file to simplify command running Renamed every script (took away "u" at the beginning) Removed uCounddownLiftoff Added readouts of time to apoapsis and periapsis to some scripts
  3. 1.1 - ORBITAL FLIGHT UPDATE A massive update which adds scripts for orbital transfers and improves existing scripts Added uChangeAp Added uChangePe Added uSHohmann Renamed uCirc to uCircToAp Added uCircToPe Added uChangeInc Added uIntercept Added uEject Added uExeNode Removed uAscentFairing and added fairing check to uAscent Added parallel staging support Renamed uFullLaunch to uLaunch Added info readouts Added splashdown check to uLanding Added staging to all scripts with burns Minor improvements Next major update will be themed around landings
  4. If you mean Portal, it's not a coincidence
  5. Update - IMPORTANT UPDATE FIxed uCirc Apparently when changing some numbers to kOS functions in uCirc I deleted a wrong bracket and broke all the maths. Now I fixed it
  6. If the question is still relevant, you can download my SpaceCore script pack When developing it, I was mostly testing it on Ghidorah 9 (Falcon 9) and Gojira (Starship) from Tundra Exploration mod, so I think it will work well with your rockets. Hope you'll like it!
  7. 1.0.2 Update - Landing and small improvements Added uLanding Renamed uCircularization to uCirc Locked roll in uAscent Minor optimizations A major 1.1 update is underway
  8. Thanks, updated it with a license
  9. SpaceCore kOS Script Pack Version 1.1.1 What it is SpaceCore is a pack of scripts for kOS mod to launch and operate your rockets. It is universal and can be used for most launch vehicles and spacecraft. You can use the scripts separately or combine them in your own flight programs. I’m quite new to kOS and coding in general and the code may be far from perfect, but I am open to any recommendations. If you've got any questions or ideas for new features, feel free to address them below. Installation SpaceDock GitHub kOS (required to run scripts) Unzip the archive into your KSP folder. It can be done while KSP is running, there is no need to restart the game. Before updating it is recommended to delete previous version of the pack. License: MIT How to use To use the scripts, you have to run them in kOS console like you would run any other kOS script. It is done by entering the command run [script name]. Example: run Eject. where Eject is the name of the script Some scripts in the pack can be launched with specific parameters (orbit inclination, altitude etc.). It is done by entering the command run [script name]([parameter 1],[parameter 2]…). Example: run SHohmann(100,120). where 100 is periapsis altitude and 120 is apoapsis altitude in kilometers If you don't enter the parameters when running a script, default parameters will be used (they can be changed in script files). Important: to run the scripts by "run" command you have to run dir.ks by entering run dir. Scripts Changelog Future goals
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