I'm very new to the game, trying to understand the logic and physics behind many things, but I really can't see what I'm doing wrong here. 3 command pods launched on a suborbital trajectory. Each is separable by a decoupler from the others and all have 2x radial parachutes (the top one has an m16 instead). Once the 3 pods reach apoapsis, I aim them retrograde to reentry and trigger the decouplers and prime the chutes of the bottom 2 (set at 0.75 and 1000 as per tutorial guidance). I then align the final command pod retrograde and turn off the SAS. Despite the headstart of the other 2 pods and the same reentry angle, the final pod catches them up and shoots past them, slamming into the ground before speed drops enough for chutes to successfully deploy. The other 2 pods are slowed enough by reentry for the chutes to deploy.
I MUST be doing something wrong for the final pod not to work, but I can't for the life of me see what it is. Video below is one of the many trials I've had - could anyone please take a look and tell me what's going wrong?
Thank you!