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  • About me
    Rogue Probe Core
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    Cell Membranes
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    Spacecraft guidance; long term energy storage and biological insulation.

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  1. The mod in question: Is there a quantifiable way to measure the rate at which electric charge is used during construction? Is it related to the number of Kerbals doing the constructing, their skill levels, how complete the construction is, a certain percentage per second of the total EC required, or another factor? I know that there's a set amount that's used overall, I'd just like to know the rate at which it's used so that I can modify my base's power supply to compensate for it.
  2. Is there a quantifiable way to measure the rate at which electric charge is used during construction? Is it related to the number of Kerbals doing the constructing, their skill levels, how complete the construction is, a certain percentage per second of the total EC required, or another factor? I know that there's a set amount that's used overall, I'd just like to know the rate at which it's used so that I can modify my base's power supply to compensate for it.
  3. When using "ckan help [command]" for any command, I recieve an error message: "Cannot open assembly '/Application/CKAN.app/Contentes/MacOS/ckan.exe': No such file or directory." Since it says "Contentes", and not "Contents" (the actual name of the contents folder), I wonder if it's trying to use a folder named "Contentes", not finding it, and shutting down. I cannot find a CKAN.app bundle anywhere within the .dmg file. However, I opened CKAN (the exec file) and it worked fine. Regardless, CKAN is now armed and fully operational as shown in your image. I consider this solved. Thanks for your collective help.
  4. So, I have no clue how most of this actually works; I've been piecing things together based on ancient CKAN help requests, looking up terms people throw around on GitHub bug report pages, and working my way through https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050. You said that CKAN is "still using" Windows Forms. Is it locked into that library forever, or (at some vague and indeterminate date in the far future) would it be possible to change that library to work outside of 32 bits? Also, what does "using it on command line" mean?
  5. Hello. I'm having trouble opening CKAN. I'm using a 2019 MacBook Pro running macOS Big Sur version 11.3.1. I downloaded CKAN v.1.30.2 "Hawking" from https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases. I have placed the CKAN executable on my desktop and CKAN.exe in my KSP directory (Library / Application Support / Steam / steamapps / common / Kerbal Space Program). I am running KSP 1.11.1, and the latest version of Mono. When attempting to open CKAN, my security settings temporarily block it; however, once I permit it under System Preferences/Security & Privacy, all that happens is that the terminal opens, displaying the following message: "The default interactive shell is now zsh. To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`. For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050. [Removed my username]-MacBook-Pro:~ [Username]$ I thought I troubleshot the login shell being used; IIRC, CKAN works with chsh-s/bin/bash, while the default for my Mac is chsh-s/bin/zsh.
  6. This is a guide to using liquid fuel tanks, so as to power jet engines and nuclear-thermal rockets. In order of efficiency in storing liquid fuel (with some tanks removed, as they obviously were too heavy, ratios being generalized for radial-size tanks, and all tanks having oxidizer removed): LFB KR 1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine: about 115 units of LF/ton. (this thing is weird). All of the FL-T, Rockomax, and Kerbodyne tanks: about 156 units of LF/ton. All of the Mark 2 and 3 LF tanks: about 174 units of LF/ton. Mark 1 Fuel Tank: 2.250 tons full/400 units LF = 177.77 units of LF/ton. Mark 0 Fuel Tank: 0.275 tons full/50 units LF = 181.81 units of LF/ton. Big-S Wing Strake: 0.500 tons full/100 units LF = 200 units of LF/ton. Big-S Delta Wing: 1.000 ton full/300 units LF = 300 units of LF/ton. Engineering outcomes: use Big-S Delta Wings for whenever you only need LF, or if those don't fit (for whatever reason) use the Wing Strake. Mark 0 Fuel Tanks require special adapters, and generally aren't worth the extra weight. For instance, my asteroid-grabbing rocket uses a core of Mark 1 tanks with Big-S Wing Strakes surrounding them.
  7. A few structural parts, such as structural panels, girders, and modular girder segment parts can survive 80 meters per second. The problem is if everything else collides into them. As such, my landers use them as the first thing that touches down, followed by LT-2s for stability (my rockets are basically retro-style rockets - tall and thin).
  8. Again, if you have the "Crews Respawn" option on, you can terminate Jeb in the tracking station and have him respawn a few hours later. Nothing can be done about the ship, though.
  9. Planets and moons have a level of gravity that can be measured with your G-force meter or the Double-C Seismic Accelerometer; I advice sticking the latter on an uncrewed probe to test the gravity before making a crewed landing. Asteroids have none; attach yourself to them with the Advanced Grabbing Unit/Klaw.
  10. Make a new ship, and use your Mark 1-3 pod as the first part. Alternatively, press Re-Root, click on the Mark 1 pod, and then click on the Mark 1-3 pod.
  11. For the "cockpit", use a probe core inside a 1.25-meter service bay. It is highly resistant to pressure, temperature, and impacts. Mark 2 parts are...interesting in an aerodynamic sense. They generate lift, but a lot of drag. Try to use rocket-sized adapters and 2.5-meter cargo bays for your payload. That RCS tank is, indeed, an aerodynamic nightmare. Use a 1.25-meter or 0.625-meter rocket RCS tank built into your craft. Try offsetting Communotron 16-S units into your wings for aerodynamic and activation-free communications and data uploads.
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