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Everything posted by SparkeyFlarkey

  1. The Legendary Saturn V, re-imagined in a more modern and cost saving way, now with the ability to be completely reused! Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/SparkeyFlarkey/Reusable-Saturn-V This behemoth has a few changes that make it stand out from the original, such as legs, wings, and extra boosters! 4 extra vector engines on the first stage second stage uses 5 vectors instead of skiffs as it needs to make orbit quickly Lunar module has only one stage instead of two to get the whole thing back service module is now a spaceplane capable of verticle landings, instead of a boring command pod no Launch escape tower (safety is for cowards) No mods required, other than the Making History expansion Here is a video of the craft flying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIy8cMku39Q&feature=youtu.be
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