Soo i have a lil problem with GPP.
If i get into the Iota SOI , the game freezes up and KSS starts eating my ram till it fully uses all thats available xD
Log seems to be fine till the SOI change and then i get somethin like :
[WRN 15:38:19.402] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Iota'
[LOG 15:38:19.667] PQSCache: Increased PQ Cache by 256 to 4352
[LOG 15:38:19.726] PQSCache: Increased PQ Cache by 256 to 4608
[LOG 15:38:19.788] PQSCache: Increased PQ Cache by 256 to 4864
and then it just keeps increasin the PQ size till the RAM is all nommed up xD