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  1. Alright thanks to your good advices I figured to send into orbit and dock two parts as you can see bellow but I still have some issues firstly I have a strange bug that makes the earth always dark in the close view even if the sun is just infront of it it ( as we can see in the map view) it feels like if my station were a geostationary satellite always in dark which is not. the second issue is that I never get electrical power with my panles maybe it is linked ? have you ever eared of this strange bugs ? I haven't found anything like this on the web. Thanks again for your help !
  2. So with th new workshop features some cool crafts have been shown just like this space station made by Llandon : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1418085963 My idea was to try to bring it into orbit piece by piece but whenever I tried I was not able to do it. Im not new to the game but I havent played a lot recently and I havent been able to figure out how to build a rocket to firstly launch the left part on this picture All the rockets i haved trIed weren't stable and i'm not sure why here is some pictures of what i have made : I have added an antena at the other side of the rocket to prevent it to flip over and over but it havent helped at all and the rocket wont go strait. I have tried to take of the assimetrics parts and add some "blanket" on the top but same problem... the total weight of the payload is 18 tones It will be awsome if you could help me to find out a rocket design thanks a lot ps: I'm not a nattive speaker sorry fo all the errors
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