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Everything posted by Mac101

  1. Ahhhhhh i had an 8 minute 36 second run last night in the fat boy. Well... it would have been. My chutes worked effectively but i hit the island going a smidge too fast so my wings fell off. I think i can tweak the chutes and a couple of other parts. Honestly with the way im starting to get faniliar with the 'Fat boi river runner' and the river itself, 8 minutes even doesn't seem so far off now. Welp, back to the spaceplane hanger! Can't let all the tiny jets have all the glory ;)
  2. Sure thing! But i did splash down at the end however since i undershot the island by bleeding off too much speed. If you need a flat wheels down landing i can always re do it
  3. Hey all from the ksp subreddit! Just thought i'd post my run here. It's really quite the challenging run! It looks like the criteria for *hard* and *super* mode were just added, so I may make a seperate run to go for those. I made 9 minutes and four seconds on stock aero. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57n5EmjzAwY
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