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  1. I tried that, really hard, but the control is impossible. I can't reach the orbit, no matter how hard I try to turn. I don't even know what buttons should I press, in what order, what throttle should I have andhow long should I keep the button pressed.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1q3vB67COQ&feature=youtu.be I've reached the orbit, haven't I? I built even more powerful rocket and finally reached the orbit without any movements, right?
  3. I'm really sorry for making it look like deliberate advice ignoring/trolling. I just can't process new information at the same speed as a normal person, and have hard time to actually apply all those great advices on practice. I get it, that I need to reach an orbit before going to the moon, but I just didn't want to make another thread because of it, so I won't spam topics. Maybe I didn't make it clear, I apologize. I try to reach the orbit, try to move the rocket so it'd hit the spot, but so far, it's all in vain. I'll try not to bother anyone anymore. Please, don't take it as a.... I don't know, in a wrong way. I'm not trying to make a scene or drama or anything, I just don't want to waste everyone's time, helping me, and without help, I can't do pretty much anything myself in this game. Like I mentioned somewhere, I can't even finish the rocket-building tutorial. Anyway, thank you all for such great advices, and again, I'm sorry for wasting your time.
  4. I watched this mod, and it just complicates the game. Besides, I forgot that I won't be able to install any mods at all... I can only install games, and only if it's all written and doesn't require any complex actions.
  5. Is there any mod to do it for me? So I could only throw off engines, gather science and run on the Moon?
  6. I think that I always reach the orbit. I mean, I fly higher than Moon, how high should I go? I tried to put more boosters, but I just fly way too far away, and I don't see Earth anymore, whatsoever. Nothing. And even if I wait for years, I'm still in space and don't fall down. Maybe this is something like the moon and I just don't undersand something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r6XvM9iTFY&feature=youtu.be I also put fire resistant things so I won't explode, and I didn't, but I crashed anyway.
  7. Thank you a lot for such an answer full of details. But I don't know how it'd help me to land on the moon. Heck, I can't even beat tutorial, and it doesn't even include flying! Although, I have a question. What if I throw the ball with the speed of light? Would it still fall down on Earth? Thanks for helping, but I still crash...
  8. It's way too complicated for me to understand, sorry. I tried that. I can go as high as 15,000 km. I play in science mode and didn't open much.
  9. I know, I'm sorry if I'm causing any trouble to anyone who's responding to me -- there's no malice in it, I'm really trying.
  10. I went through them, but I crashed every single time they wanted me to fly into some direction. I can't do that, I'm sorry.
  11. No, keys are the same, the control is standart. And when I said about thrust, I meant using lefst shift and ctrl to make it more powerful or weaker. I tried to move the ship horyzontally previously, but I always crashed somewhere in the mountains. I don't know what I did wrong.
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