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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I am not 100% sure what fixed it, but when I docked the next part of the station it just started working.
  2. Sorry if this has already been covered but I have not been able to find anything via the search function. I recently tried to build a solar power station to make use of the Microwave Beamed Power units, I started out with just 2 Huge panels and a set of docking ports. Next I docked a ship with 4 more panels on it however the power produced from these panels did not go to the transmitter. If I retracted the 2 panels that were part of the original ship then it would have no power at all even with all 4 others all open and showing that they were producing power. No combination of opening and closing the panels seemed to help in any way. Is this part limited to the panels that were part of the ship when you build it? Or am I missing something to make it work with docked parts?
  3. Correct I am looking to filter the debris, I like having the danger of slamming into last weeks spent stage at staggering speeds If I can I would like to keep as many debris as I can, the more the better. Let\'s face it the odds of a collision are really low until the volume of objects gets very high, but I still would like to be able to see where all my ships are without them getting lost in the display of all the spent stages. I will just go back to waiting for a change that lets us filter them out
  4. I have been launching a lot of rockets both into orbit and to the mun (And a few to the sun) and over time the space map has become cluttered with loads and loads of discarded booster stages. While I do not mind having said stages kept track of by the game. (Going into a 100km orbit in the wrong direction could be VERY bad and I like it that way) I do wish I could get everything without a command capsule removed from the display to make it easier to see what I have going on. Is there any way to do this? And if not is it on the road map for future versions?
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