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Everything posted by Lumafepe

  1. You can have ssto to land like a plane not landing like a VTOL
  2. Same and I also do ssto vtols for going to the moon easy to land and can get back easy
  3. I think who says they don't care about bearing is who never did a prop plane or heli
  4. This is the engine I use in a simple plane can get to more than 80m/s
  5. You can play ksp multiplayer I use the LMP nod search online its working for 1.4.4
  6. Hinges and electric motors would be another cool thing. I use the small inline reaction wheel whit alt+e for prop planes so they keep spinning I put some thermoelectric generators for electricity (they can keep flying forever) but because of the engine not being attached it vibrates and you don't get much power what men's low speed and can't get very high into the sky
  7. . I don't if you have done any helicopter or propeller engine if you did you know that you must use 2 crafts to make it fly and have some system of locking the engine well If we had bearings that would let the engine rotate without the rotation of the entire plane and we wouldn't need the locking mechanism which I think is the hardest part to make so I believe if we had them it would be a lot easier for people who don't know how to build one be able to do it easily and a lot of the power from propeller engines are lost due to vibration inside the "casing" and with Bearing we wouldn't lose so much power and propeller planes would be faster and with more power maybe bigger
  8. I think developers should add berings to the game for propers and vtol it would make it easyer for everyone to be able to build them
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