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  1. Makes a ton of sense, thanks! The wording of the contract made it sound like I can only use fleas. Building now and about to launch! I appreciate the feedback.
  2. Just starting with the game in the last 2-3 days. Love it. The contract for the Flea Booster is killing me. Requirements that I can't figure out.... Use RT-5 Flea Booster Keep altitude between 62,000 and 70,000m Keep speed between 60 m/s and and 210 m/s I have used variations with the Flea sometimes using up to 7 of them, and I've limited my thrusters where I feel appropriate...I've limited them to about 50% while in the low atmosphere, and them limited them even more in the upper atmosphere to keep speeds under 210m/s. I can get the altitude, but not under 210m/s. I can get under 210 m/s, but not near the altitude required. Sorry if this is something very basic that I'm not figuring out. Any help is appreciated.
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