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  1. Ah, I'm starting to see them now, thanks. I actually like these as they're pretty realistic. My Minmus probe needs to be in orbit for 175 days before gathering the required data, which is definitely more like real life than instantly doing it lol. I'm planning to send my first probe to Duna anyway, so some of your instruments will definitely be hitching a ride. One question. Because I'm at the point in my game where contracts for LKO and even the Mun are very few and far between, I'm guessing I won't see too many DMagic contracts at those places. Is there a way to get these to pop up? I'm in career mode and could use the funds and rewards from those simpler missions I never got to do with DMagic hardware.
  2. This looks like a great mod, I've been looking for something to add functionality to satellites and probes. Should I be expecting contracts for DMagic science to show up immediately? I installed the mod and have some new science parts available in my career mode, but after time warping a few days and declining some available contracts, I'm not seeing anything except stock contracts. Which are btw getting pretty dumb. I just put a station in Munar orbit. I'm not making another one lol.
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