Yeah It was my fifth attempt of landing..
It was the last puff of engines witch saved me from ramming in to the surface. I had like... 7 m/s delta v left while I was right above the surface.. it wasn't moving that fast, but you don't need much to damage the ship. The other thing, approach wasn't too efficient. Think I started the suicide burn too early. When the vessel was in orbit of 10 km over the surface, I still had something around 900-1000 dela v left. So it should be totally sufficient amount to land, but I burnt it all out anyway.
This is how the maneuvers look like watching it from the top while I'm back near to Eve.
The second one shows form the back how much tilted is the trajectory witch suppose to push me back towards Eve as close as possible. It also shows the inclination at which the ship is being ejected from SOI of Eve. It was the most difficult part, because you need to synchronize everything (angles, burns, and timing). For instance when my trajectory inclination still doesn't align with Moho's orbit, and I needed to decrease inclination of second maneuver (purple dotted line), but then the angle I leave the Eve's SOI at changes either. So I need to move second maneuver nod further along the first trajectory to match the angle. But then you perform the maneuver later. So I need to shorten first trajectory. But then the velocity of I pass by Eve with goes down a little. etc... I had tried to launch directly when I was in high orbit over Eve, but it didn't work that well. I tried to do some math but it was difficult for me to draw any conclusions from those calculation. It was even had to say to me if I did them correctly. So I don't know how much of a role Oberth effect played here, but I can say that only this way I managed to pull it all off. When ship started falling towards Eve it was at an altitude of 44000 km over the planet.
Those 3 maneuvers are the most expensive (not counting breaking and landing). Or rather they could have been way more expensive if done later... further away from Eve. There are other 2 on my way between Eve and Moho, but these are fairly minor and are there only to get more accurate interception.
The other thing was breaking. I didn't quite realized before i red your post how much of a difference it makes, when the ship moves exactly along planet's orbit during breaking. It was whopping 1700 of delta v of difference. Maybe there were some other factors influencing this, but this is probably the main one.