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  1. I've installed RSS and RO alongside with RN Soviet Spacecraft and Rockets mods. What I'm trying to do is to recreate the Soyuz 4-Soyuz 5 mission and dock two Soyuz spacecrafts. The launch site is Baikonur while the orbit's inclination is 51.7°. To achieve orbit I'm using MechJeb2 with Powered Explicit Guidance. When trying to launch the second spacecraft to the same plane as the first one I can get at minimum a 0.77° of difference between the two, difference that requires to much delta-v to take care of (105m/s, the Soyuz only has 172m/s). What can I do to perform a precise rendezvous? I'd prefer to not have to fly by hand as it seems extremely difficult. What about kOS?
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