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Everything posted by kspdsky

  1. We've built some replica Apolla knobs if you'd like to put some on your custom simpits! Dimensions and shape captured from original photos and re-created on Stratasys Dimension 3D printers. Customization based on this design is available. The photos will soon be updated to reflect a newer iteration which results in a smoother initial part and requires less effort to prep for paint - otherwise you can install as-is. Have fun! https://www.ebay.com/itm/Apollo-11-Replica-Knob-NOT-PAINTED-/263835272020
  2. Hi guys, I'm involved with that DSKY project as well as some new and unreleased related projects. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. We're really interested in the KSP simpit community and will be introducing more (and more affordable) items in the future. I'm a big KSP fan myself so this stuff is way fun for me!
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