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Posts posted by Starman17

  1. On 8/12/2019 at 5:39 PM, Lisias said:

    Neither do I. I know perfectly how is to lose months of game play. I know people that runs the same one for years.

    It's the reason I try hard to prevent the breakage, and once I fail on that (being my fault or not), I try harder to make patches to keep things going.

    That said, I'm sorry for not being able to respond faster - to you or anyone else, including on GitHub. Old Farts like me have old fart's problems, and sometimes all of them decide to gather up and pay a visit at the same time! :P

    oh well. Don't be shy to kick me here or in PVT if you think I forgot you. It will eventually be true! :sticktongue: .

    Need to go now. Still at work! :)

    — — back from the dungeons — — :sticktongue:

    @Starman17 - I did a second analysis on your KSP.log and realized I missed some details. I found the problem.

    [LOG 2019-08-07 18:35:01.895] Applying update CxAerospace/Station Parts/MM_configs/CXA_TweakScale/@PART[*]:HAS[#author[cxg2827]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand]]]:AFTER[CxAerospace] to Bluedog_DB/Parts/APAS/CXA_APAS_A_L04F.cfg/PART

    It's CxAerospace. The double patching is happening for sure:

                    type = free

    Do you see the "type = free" thingy? There's no "%" in it. Do the type is being applied to any part that has "cxg2827" as the author and does not have ModuleComand. Guess what? The parts in Bluedog what where double patched has "cxg2827" on the author and does not have ModuleCommand. :/

    This patch is somewhat insecure as it appears. It doesn't even check for the TweakScale being available (:NEEDS[TweakScale]) before applying the patch. It probably had worked at that time, but nowadays things changed - there are more than one Add'On using "cxg2827" in the author, this should not be used anymore as criteria.

    From the Add'On's thread, I learnt that CxAerospace was discontinued, is unmaintained and the license is ARR. Well, there's nothing I can do fix the problem directly, as one could call me in copyright infringement by distributing a derivative - I checked the package, and the config files were not exempted from the copyright claim or double licensed. It was mentioned that the Author decided to give the assets to some other Add'On authors to be used at their discretion, so perhaps this is the reason Bluedog was caught in the crossfire.

    So, I advise to you:

    • Check if your flying crafts are using CxAerospace . If not, delete this Add'On. I say this with a broken heart, this is a very nice looking Add'On, sir - perhaps the Author would accept fixes for a new release? No strings attached.
    • Reach Bluedog's Author and ask him to help on the matter. He's using cx2827 parts, so perhaps he is one of the guys mentioned above, and so is authorized to act on it.

    In the mean time, I'm cooking a OVERRULE patch that will fix your installment by brute force. Keep in mind that this patch is good only for your current installment. I don't foresee problems if you install or delete some Add'Ons from your installment (except Bluedog_DB, of course), but yet… Don't thrust it too much, use S.A.V.E.. :) . I'll edit this post when the patch is available.


    Thank you so much for your help, KSP life saver lol

  2. 1 minute ago, Brigadier said:

    You haven't really provided a lot to go on.  Which version of KSP and this mod are you using?  What are you expecting to see?

    Are you playing a new career game?  If so, the parts are further up the tech tree.  Try starting a sandbox game and see if the parts are visible.

    How did you install the mod; manually or through CKAN?

    Read this thread for future reference.


    I'm currently running KSP version 1.4.5 as well as the most recent version of this mod. I installed the mod manually by placing the Kerbal Reusability Expansion folder inside of the Kerbal Space Program Game Data folder. I am playing in sandbox mode however in the VAB none of the parts are visible.

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