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    Vienna, Austria
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    KSP, Duh!!!
  1. Since this is Papa joe's thread I guess this would be the right place to post this request...? While I think the rather recent change in BDAs damage System (Heat to HP) is great, with having bullets penetrating armor instead of destroying it immediately, resulting in the destruction of interior parts, I feel like its just not properly balanced. Most parts have such a huge health bar, it's hard to do any damage, especially with "older" weapons in e.g. the Skyers part pack mod. the BDA "stock" options, Vulcan and Gau negate this a bit by heaving really high RPMs but the BDA 50.Cal, for Example, needs 30ish hits to destroy a wing. In real life air combat often a single bullet from an autocannon like the German MK 108 or 103 (featured in Skyers PP) was able to obliterate a Plane (in BDA KSP it would make sense for it to take more bullets: gameplay reasons). And even a machine gun could take a plane down quickly if it scored hits on either pilot, engine or control surfaces. What I'm trying to say is that it would be great if the current damage system were to be complemented with negative effects on different parts when they get damaged e.g.: engines losing power or shutting down at a specific HP percentage, a chance to kill the pilot or the AI if the cockpit gets hit, wings getting less G-force tolerant and/or breaking off..... I think you get the point. As I have absolutely no experience in coding and scripting (I even wouldn´t know the difference at gunpoint) I don´t know how hard this feature is to implement? But I´d just love to see it. I think especially air battles with WW2 to 50ies - 60ies planes would really profit from these changes (more doggyfighting, no or few guided missiles). I´d like to thank BDA and its plugins authors for stealing hundreds of hours of my lifetime (is it of my lifetime or off my lifetime?) and wish them good luck for continuously developing BDA to one of the greatest KSP mods and communities. Can someone please comment on this or refer me to the proper forum or github. English is not my native language in I apologize for any misspelliation (sic!)
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