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  1. I've been running running a heavily modded KSP on an i7-4510U for the last four years. It does have a dedicated graphics card, but just a Radeon R5 230, so even then the overall performance doesn't differ that much from yours. I increased RAM from 8 to 16 GB a while ago, mostly to be able to cope with all those mods, so now it runs reasonably smooth even when I throw in a few pretty graphics mods. For a stock game with graphics settings turned down a bit, your machine should be just fine. And KSP is a wonderful game even on the lowest settings!
  2. I’m so glad to see you again! This has been one of the most addictive stories I’ve followed so far, the increasing darkness of it only adds to that. It is also a story of keeping an old save alive. My own first attempts to get anywhere at all in 1.0.5 are unfortunately lost in time and poor backup management, but I’m still working on the same career save I started in 1.2.2 almost four years ago. And your story has changed my own too. Not only is it ”only right and proper” to always have to dock to a station in complete darkness (why does that always happen?), your Baile Speir (a name which I blatantly stole for my own basic space stations without even being that embarrassed) somehow twisted my entire imagined back story into an entirely new (”kaelic”) direction. Relying on Kopernicus, I’m still stuck at 1.9.1, but I’m very much looking forward to move onto a much smoother 1.10. I brought most of the hardware, including those three monitors, home with me when that specific kerbal resource hit the fan this spring, so my own work has changed surprisingly little. That in itself doesn’t change the fact that there’s little time to maintain and develop my own old save game, but at least I’m always a bit closer to the machine where it actually resides. All is not lost yet, perhaps I’ll one day get to the point where I can begin publishing my own story. Until then, I’m very happy to see yours still alive, as is only right and proper!
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