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Everything posted by Heroshrine

  1. Those aren't the 2.5 mm docking ports guys. Those are the regular ones. (unless im mistaken and your referring to docking port sr. cus i dont have the game open and can't check)
  2. I need those SAS wheels for the final space ship, as the final mass should be somewhere around in between those (im pretty sure). And this is only a guess, but im guessing its good to keep reaction wheels as even as possible with the central mass. PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong. But, I have them turned off, as when they are on it makes it wobble even more. And I don't have the biggest docking ports, so i have to use the "regular" ones. Ill try the AS, I've never touched advanced tweakables before. And I do have solar panels on the ship already.
  3. I'm doing a "hardcore" playthrough, where no kerbals respawn, no reverts or quickloads, probes always need netcom access, plasma blackout, ect. Well, im not the BEST ksp player, but i'm not the worst. My problem is, I ran out of science. So i need to go to duna or eve, preferably duna. So, I'm assembling a ship in space to take me there and back. But, I have ran into two problems. Problem 1: MY CRAFT WOBBLES LIKE CRAZY. I have heard this can be caused by you pushing weight instead of pulling it (or something like that), but i don't know of a way I can "pull" my weight into space. Problem 2: I can't actually get the engines for my craft into orbit. I was planning to have multiple stages in the craft, "boosters" or engines to get me away from kerbin and into orbit of duna, detatch that and have a lander go down to the surface and back, then ditch lander and activate "engines" which get me back to orbit of kerbin, detatch my two "science" probes (just probes with 1 science container each to easily get them back to surface), then detatch cockpit and de-orbit that. I can get EVERYTHING into orbit, except the boosters and fuel. I just CAN NOT figure out how to move the engines (see picture), let alone the boosters into orbit. I can get it to space, but at that point I loose enough rocket power to actually get it into orbit, and I can't go into space at an angle b/c of super crazy jiggling wobbling. Now, i COULD use the engines attatched to help get into orbit. Great! But now how do I re-fuel it, because I can't launch fuel into orbit. B/c i can't lift that much weight for some reason. And also super wobbling for any tall craft. the yaw and pitch literally just go up and down non stop. Please help. I come here out of desperation.
  4. that may be it. what variants are only in dlc?
  5. @Rocket In My Pocket When you click the arrow in the top left, you can look at all variants.
  6. @Vanamonde they are on. but its too late now, it was a while ago and i just cheated to get it into place. Oh, and btw it definitely was a glitch cus i re-launched later to test it and it was working.
  7. it was orbiting the sun at about 1.3 billion m
  8. How do I apply variants to my vessels? Only a couple of fuel tanks and the shrouds accept varriants. And its only the white or orange one, except the shrounds can use black and white. What about all the other ones that I can't use? Why where they even added to the game?
  9. I had to cheat to dock. They where not working AT ALL, even with fine control turned off. Not even for rolling. Its probably a bug, but idk what wold cause it.
  10. Why are the top rcs thrusters not working (in photo)?? They are not attatched to a service bay, and where never inside a payload of any kind. (sry for bad photo, i am tumbling through space away from where I am trying to dock so i was in a rush). I waisted so much fuel trying to not spin and tilt out of controll before i realised they weren't working. I turned on infinite fuel, and it STILL doesn't work!! plz help. I'm trying to dock on career and I don't have quicksaves or reverts on, and kerbals don't recover.
  11. It DID NOT persist through restart, however when i restarted and launched craft again, here are results: You will see that I am moving extremely fast (this time at a constant rate, im not slowing down or going faster.) I'm also apparently on a surface (as said by text).
  12. From the Wiki: Its suppose to stick around after I restart, right? I haven't checked that yet, but look at screenshots. I would like to say If this is the apocalypse kraken or the "Kessler kraken", I give credit to this guy. I triggered it when messing around with his discovery: (See Youtube Comments) Basically, i set it off by butting a bunch of girders in sinde of each other, then putting a command pod on top. When I press "launch," it sent the craft fling at around 6316289312790632786138512780461792347912641649812790462176214248189 (rough estimation cus it only said a very very very large number going up very very fast for a second or two), then it changed to NaNm/s. I then pressed revert to launch, and it suspended me in the air (how I got high up picture). The wiki says and this looks alot like that. maybe this is apocalypse kraken, a form of that apocalypse kraken, or maybe apocalypse kraken IS this Kessler kraken. (edit) i dunno why some images r different sizes. i messed up putting one in, and when i went to fix it i forgot to remove text. it changed the size of the images connected to the text.
  13. Me either. I was using speratrons to boost rly fast with fuel and then... I swear. You don't have to believe me tho, i don;'t REALLY care. but I did just make an account to post it.
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