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Everything posted by WestCoastJedi

  1. I am looking to start my own KSP controller. have purchased an Elegoo MEGA2560 R3 and Keyestudio Leonardo mini controllers to work with and a couple buttons and slider for throttle. first tried using KSPserialIO mod, but couldnt get it to work. after doing some research i landed on this mod and want to try luck with this one. I noticed it is not currently on CKAN, where can i find it? will it be on CKAN soon? do you have suggestions on how to get started and a way to ensure it is actually loaded correctly and communicating with my mini controllers? any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!
  2. Hey All, I have been following this thread for some time now and am confident enough to start my own panel, but am struggling. I have gathered most of the necessary parts to start out with (arduino MEGA 2560 R3 and a Leonardo, some buttons, LCD screen, and a slider pot for throttle. more to come as well) and want to crawl before I walk. I have a little background knowledge with programming that i learned at university while studying mech engineering (but that was close to 7 years ago and i havent been coding since, also basic knowledge and experience with circuits). I have downloaded the KSP SerialIO mod. Right now i am jumping between a book i picked up called The Kerbal Player's Guide (Jon Manning, Tim Nugent, etc. published 2016) which has a couple chapters dedicated to adding hardware to the game, and a couple threads on this website trying to learn my way through it. I am having a hard time though, especially with the coding piece as i cant get it to compile correctly in the Arduino IDE (most common error i face is - "xxxxx" not declared in this scope). I have been stuck trying to build simple LED Warning/Status Light(s) to detect launch, stage, and fuel below a certain % (again im trying to crawl before i walk and eventually run). Where i am stuck is the coding part, cant get everything to compile correctly. I have been copying the code directly from the book mentioned above as it has written there (chapters 14 pages 358-366 if you want a reference) but it wont work because of error relating to things not being declared in scope. I was heavily relying on this tutorial to teach me the basics and to be a good intro into adding hardware to KSP, but it is rapidly killing my confidence because i cant even get this simple task to work. Can anyone help me out with suggestions on how to tackle the challenge of learning how to do all of this? i am looking for tutorials/ways i can learn the basics of connecting with KSP using Arduino and am very motivated. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly welcome! also more than happy to share more details about my plans if you need them or are curious.
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