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  1. My base install has ATM, MM, and Ven's Stock Revamp installed. I am using 0.9, tested with your .dll above and the .dll from 0.9. I tested the parts by placing a Mk1 cockpit and attaching a part without symmetry. With just my base install: - Placing Mk1 cockpit and opening tweakables menu results in increase of ~1MB/s with drops of a few MB every few seconds keeping it seemingly stable(?). - Placing advanced canard on cockpit results in stable memory usage, opening the tweakables menu also results in stable memory usage. Base install + Procedural parts (.dll from 0.9 and .dll above): - Placing Mk1 cockpit and opening tweakables menu results in increase of ~2MB/s for ~5 seconds then stabilises. - Placing procedural wing on Mk1 cockpit results in seemingly stable memory usage, opening right click menu on wing results in sudden increase of 10-20MB, stabilises afterwards. - Placing advanced canard on cockpit results in stable memory usage, opening the tweakables menu also results in stable memory usage. Base install + Procedural parts (.dll from 0.9 and .dll above) + FAR: - Placing Mk1 cockpit and opening tweakables menu results in increase of ~2MB/s for ~5 seconds then stabilises. - Placing procedural wing on Mk1 cockpit results in stable memory usage, opening right click menu on wing results in constant increase of ~3MB/s after sudden increase of 10-20MB. When the right click menu is closed it stabilises. - Placing advanced canard on Mk1 cockpit results in stable memory usage, opening right click menu on wing results in constant increase of ~3MB/s after a few seconds delay. When the right click menu is closed it stabilises. Base install + FAR: - Placing Mk1 cockpit and opening tweakables menu results in increase of ~2MB/s for ~5 seconds then stabilises. - Placing advanced canard on Mk1 cockpit gives stable memory usage, opening right click menu on wing results in constant increase of ~3MB/s. When the right click menu is closed it stabilises.
  2. Why not included all four up/down possibilities and add Nose down, window up (approach). Or does that look weird?
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