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Kid Yeti

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  1. Any solutions to this issue yet? The reason I ask is that I have NOT had the problem but don't want to temp it by messing with the gravity as you have. Although I really want to! I only play on PS4 but have seen folks use add-ons that do this for PC. I am intrigued by the idea, but do not know where the "cheat menu" you describe is? Only getting back to the game after many months away. Have not been able to see it described in Enhanced Edition Update Patch Notes. When was this added? I also think I've seen reference to a method (on console) to move or launch a craft in orbit around a planet/moon. Similar to what mods are able to do on PC. Is this really an option? If so, how do I access it? I've looked around and not been able to find it in any of the menus or controls. Thanks for any help!
  2. Hi, I have seen this suggestion to delete "common data" as a solution to PS4 issues. How is this done exactly? I can't seem to find where I can delete it. I see it as an option to upload or download to/from storage, but to outright delete it. Specifically, I am trying to fix a crash with error CE-34878-0 whenever I try to reload a certain saved game. It has happened before but I downloaded a saved copy that I had uploaded a week before. Now it's happened again and I assume something more fundamental is wrong. Is this the result of a corrupted save? Is that what CE-34878-0 means? Also, a general question on "common data" - if it's not deleted will it ruin my other saved KSP games? I seem to be able to load other saved games and start new ones. Is deleting it a routine maintenance practice I just be doing often? Is there downside to deleting it? Running PS4 Enhanced Edition with latest updates, in English and with Making History DLC. Thanks!
  3. I now have this same issue. PS4 and Career Mode. Can't load my Career save. It crashed once and I got the chance to report the issue. Now it just hangs up forever when I try to load it. I have to close the program and can restart the game but same thing happens if I try to open that Career again. I CAN load my other Sandbox save just fine. I assume it is a corrupted save file. Is there a way to repair it? Has anyone ever recovered from this issue? Or should I just save myself the trouble/time and start a new Career save? Thanks
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