Hi, I have seen this suggestion to delete "common data" as a solution to PS4 issues. How is this done exactly? I can't seem to find where I can delete it. I see it as an option to upload or download to/from storage, but to outright delete it.
Specifically, I am trying to fix a crash with error CE-34878-0 whenever I try to reload a certain saved game. It has happened before but I downloaded a saved copy that I had uploaded a week before. Now it's happened again and I assume something more fundamental is wrong.
Is this the result of a corrupted save? Is that what CE-34878-0 means?
Also, a general question on "common data" - if it's not deleted will it ruin my other saved KSP games? I seem to be able to load other saved games and start new ones. Is deleting it a routine maintenance practice I just be doing often? Is there downside to deleting it?
Running PS4 Enhanced Edition with latest updates, in English and with Making History DLC.