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Everything posted by rubikscubeworld

  1. Same I got the same issue... What version do you use?...
  2. Help. I still haven't been able to fly rockets with RSS now, because Earth is so dark, even while it is in the "morning". I have time warped, and this is the 12:00 P.M. on earth. It looks like 3:A.M. How strange? Please help. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DD7UZW8iPUmPNVIIdIlSNiIaZ-W3uhbe
  3. Ok, so I did everything you guys told me. Thanks! I got earth... And all that... HOWEVER, there is something that I must bring to attention... WHY IN THE WORLD IS THE WORLD SO DARK? LOL, anyway in all seriousness, thank you guys, you guys did help me, just please answer this question, and I will be all set. Thanks. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DD7UZW8iPUmPNVIIdIlSNiIaZ-W3uhbe Dark kerbin... Cue the sound effects... DUN DUN DUN... LOL I am just so happy I got the mod. You can clearly tell...
  4. Right now, I am trying to download the RSS and RO mods for KSP

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  5. Ok. Pretty sure nobody is going to listen to me since: 1. Nobody deals with Newbies who just got the game 2. There is a 95% chance that this forum is abandoned, but this is my last piece of hope to install a small segment of Realism Overhaul. Any tips would be greatly appreciated Anyway, this is just a curious question: How do I install the mod since I am really confused into how to use and download mods? I have something called Ckan or something... There's something called kopernicus which is supposed to be some (RSS) system. I install that, and everything is so dark. Everything is black. No it's not night time, I literally time-warped a few times, and still nothing happens. I got Extra Visual Enhancements, I got planet-shine, and still nothing happens. However, I have no idea how to install, frankly any mod? I think I used planet shine wrong, whenever I run EVE it crashes... I am really bad at this. I might sound like I know a thing or two about mods, however it's just because I did (a bit)* of research over realism overhaul, and I am (somewhat) tech savvy... I really want this mod, because I know you admins worked on this a lot, and I would like to acknowledge your work. *lies... Does 7 hours of research and watches 12 video tutorials about how to install realism overhaul, gives up and last reserve to this forum which I am pretty sure NOBODY will listen to me... My last hope... Sorry to bother you guys... Admins, please forgive me if I missed anything said in the forum, I won't ask for 1.4.4 compatibility, I am just happy with 1.2. Anyway, welcome to the forum rubikscubeworld... I guess I said that just to make myself feel better? Man that took a while to say, and MAN do I have a headache searching up all that. Please help... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I see all of you guys downloading all these mods in forums, talking to each other, and I think you guys are just speaking Kerbol...
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