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  1. I'm so dumb. I forgot that I had Cold Turkey installed and it prevents me from playing the game from 9-5 so I get more work done. -FACE PALM- Thanks for everyone trying to help. I'm gonna go crawl under a rock now.
  2. There is no KSP.log. The program doesn't even start up. I don't see a splash screen or anything.
  3. Did they move the log in 1.5? I've search the entire C: drive and there's no KSP.log I tried using this too and couldn't find it:
  4. I just tried uninstalling 1.5 and reinstalling. Same thing, nothing.
  5. I tried launching just the KSP_X64.exe and it fails as well. Where do I find the KSP Log?
  6. I deleted the folders the previous 1.2 version was installed in. Should I have uninstalled it?
  7. Just downloaded 1.5 and it won't start. I can launch the launcher.exe, I then click Play, the launcher will close and then nothing after that. If I click KSP_X64.exe while watching the Task Manager, I see KSP come up quickly, then disappear. What's going on? Can anyone help? Specs Windows 10Pro i7-6900k GTX-1080 32GB RAM 950Pro M.2 512GB
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