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Posts posted by Columbo

  1. On 5/4/2020 at 11:52 PM, Qwarkk said:

    I'm afraid I never did find a consistent solution. It actually pushed me to finally get a faster CPU and since then the problem has largely gone. The game now only fails to load once every 10 or so tries. As far as im aware, its a problem with the game trying to load too many models all at once and the pc memory just cant hack it. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

    I resorted to completely starting over with a clean install and adding all the mods, never more than 2 or 3 at a time, and testing the startup. Took me hours but now i have all the same mods and the game starts normal. (at least it did yesterday, who knows what happens a day later ;)). I don't know why it works now, but i guess something must have gone wrong before. 

  2. On 4/14/2020 at 5:57 PM, Qwarkk said:

    Playing a heavily modded RSS / RO game. Id say the game starts about 25% of the time. The other times it will load until the first black screen with the loading icon in the bottom right corner and freeze after a few seconds and become unresponsive. Ive had success deleting the module manager cache and relaunching the game but this is also unreliable. When it does load, everything is fine so im a bit confused. If anyone could have a look and tell me any glaring issues from the log, that would be massively helpful.

    Edit: Done some digging and my player.log file indicates lots of d3d11 issues. I've done a bit of research and this is a unity issue some say is caused when too many models are loaded simultaneously and graphics memory is overloaded. My graphics card is 6GB so this does surprise me. I've done system wide driver updates and tried forcing the game to run in OpenGL but this led to crashes in the VAB. I've heard running XMP profiles may cause it, so that's my next thing to try.

    Any help / suggestions much appreciated,


    I am having the exact same issue, same messages in the log file, same point of freeze. Looking at my task manager during startup i see that at the last black loading screen before the Main Menu, my GPU memory goes all the way up to 7.8/8gb. I am playing with RSS without RO on 1.8.1 and never had this issue with ma JNSQ playthrough (also in 1.8.1 with a similar mod loadout). If you find a solution, please let me know ;)

  3. 7 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

    In the developer movie they explicily mention that KSP 2, in constrast to KSP 1 which focused on early space technology,  will instead focus on near and far future development. so we will be able to launch a mission to the mun as a start and continu from there

    Looks like they took a lot of inspiration from Interstellar mod ;)  I am very curious how the future tech will be implemented. I saw ships with tons of radiators and i believe a Daedalus Engine. Looks promising.

  4. On 6/7/2019 at 5:24 PM, TaxiService said:

    No, it is not. The design choice of deployable science parts is strange and doesn't conform to a typical vessel design we modder are familiar with. Its power is just 0 or 1 and parts are not physically linked.

    I am trying to get RemoteTech to work with the science stations but I am not optimal.

    Thanks for keeping this Mod up to date. It is much appreciated.

    I really hope you'll find a way to work around it. I really like RT and i also like the idea of the new surface science. It would be sad if i have to choose between the two. 


  5. 1 hour ago, memeconnoiseur said:

    Has anyone else also had the bug where you have a procedural part attached to a root part, save the craft, reload the craft and find a gap between the root part and the procedural part?

    I've experienced this problem along with the bug discussed above.


    Yes, I have both this issue and the above mentioned by BadRocket. (playing in 1.7.1) i can confirm that this startet happening with 1.7.1 and never occurred in 1.7.0

  6. On 4/2/2019 at 12:11 AM, zberry7 said:

    I looked back and I worded that post poorly, I edited it incase anyone stumbles upon it, as I've seen a few reports of this issue. Unfortunately I believe(?) this is outside of the authors control, so uninstalling the DLC, or installing 'Making Less History' seems to be the only fixes for the time being. Hopefully this fixes the issue for you, as it did with me, because this is an amazing planet pack

    Thank you good sir, i was running into this issue since 1.4.x with various Planet Packs but it was never so regularly then with this one. 

  7. 9 hours ago, 123nick said:

    so you made your own patch file for the centrifuges for USI-LS? do you still have it? id make a patch, but doesnt SSTU have procedural parts that can have varying stats depending on size and configuration?

    Yes, i did only 3 Parts i think, but i don't have it anymore since i deleted that install because i rather use TAC-LS. 

    How you modify a part in-game should not mess with the habitation stats you set in the patch file because they are just fixed numbers. You would just set the patch file to what ever you feel like is balanced. It's not that hard if you look at other mod's patch files (like the before mentioned station parts mod).

  8. On 3/1/2019 at 3:57 PM, Shadowmage said:

    You are likely correct -- I don't think they exist -- more specifically I was looking for some method to replicate the issue in stock via changing of game-settings / patching globals files, or even poking at stuff via a simple custom plugin.


    I'll gladly fix any issues in this area, as long as I know what to fix :)  So if you guys run into something, please let me know.

    It's not really a big deal. The panels have their normal output, which is ok. It's not like the higher Power output is essential. 

    I just saw that the stock panels and those of near future and probes plus all seem to get their higher output. But this is something not many people will encounter since it's just one of the many planet packs.

    I did check the SSTU in my 2.5x scaled stock system and the generated power seems to work fine with the scaling so it's probably an issue specific to After Kerbin. 

  9. Hi,

    I had my eye on this Mod for some time now and i thought i try it out since there has been a Bugfix and recompile for 1.6.

    I am quite frankly amazed by what you have created. The amount of work you must have put into it must be innumerable. Thank you for your work. 

    I've got a question about the Solar cells:

    I am currently playing a career in the After Kerbin Planet Pack. In case you are not familiar with this mod, it starts billions of years after the stock game. The sun is coming to an end and is much stronger than the stock sun resulting in a much higher power output. I did however see, that the sstu cells seem to not reflect that. So far i have only tried the first ones you get in the tech tree. So are they supposed to be rather weak or is this an compatibility issue?  

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