Hello all,
Wondering if anybody has seen this issue, it started immediately after the upgrade to version 1.5. Whenever i am setting up a maneuver node there is really bad lag (2-3 seconds) when the maneuver detects an encounter. If there is no encounter detected, things projected trajectory changes are smooth, once the encounter is detected everything freezes for a few seconds and then jumps ahead, once the encounter is displayed things are smooth again until there is no encounter and another lag. This also occurs when i am executing the maneuver and my current trajectory detects an encounter. Very annoying when trying to plan and execute precise maneuvers!
- Career mode, mid game, was fine before upgrade to 1.5
- I do have one mod installed "For Science", that's it
- I started a fresh new career mode game and there was no lag with the new game, lag still present with the "in process" game.
Thanks for any ideas / suggestions?