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  1. So I'm pretty sure that Cryogenic tanks/engines is stopping my KSPIE from working correctly, so I want to remove that mod to see if that fixes the problem I'm having with resources. Unfortunately, every time I try to remove it, next time I start the game I'm greeted with this error at some point during the loading process. This is annoying because if it turns out to be cryogenic tanks/engines causing the problem I won't be able to remove it with B9 still installed, and I REALLY want B9 installed, whole reason I reverted to 1.4.5. So, how do I remove the dependency from B9 and make this error disappear?
  2. I'm also having the 100% issue now, this is also in 1.4.5. I reckon this is due to an updated version and it probably worked fine in previous versions of the mod, but we're only seeing it now
  3. Ok it happened again so here is my KSP.log https://mega.nz/#!5V0HzK5I!1WD8C3IYUSuXh5PFVUoRjQw3SMM_nJAZ7_AHdkcY0Ro and my mod list exported by ckan: https://mega.nz/#!4ZlRBIYC!SBGrWihC_CVrjjbpf1D0Rx7JKhBLfZSIVL2vCgvoI-8
  4. I'm trying to reproduce it now but for some reason it's working perfectly fine now. Haven't changed any mods or anything but when it stops working I'll let you know and give you the log
  5. Ok maybe this isn't the best place to post this but I have no idea where to post it, so I'm going to put it here Whenever I open it on the toolbar it says "Calculating... (0.0%)" and doesn't go any further. Can't find a single thing about it through google, nothing even close. Any solution?
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