Again - I MEANT granular, as it applies to technical terminology:
the quality or condition of being granular.
the scale or level of detail present in a set of data or other phenomenon
If you are unsure of what I meant, just ask me - please don't try to correct me.
Anyway - What I meant was, in KSP, we are allowed a high level of creativity - we are allowed to construct "what-if" launchers. We can choose from hundreds of components to assemble our own creations. I would call that very "granular".
This title, however, doesn't seem to allow such level of detail or, ahem, GRANULARITY (for definition, see above ) This title seems to allow for modular construction of different variations of a launch system, much like in the real life, but from set, established components. For example, I would assume that they would provide all parts necessary to construct all variants of NASA's SLS, be it crew, cargo, blocks 1, IB, 2, solid rocked boosters, upcoming advances liquid boosters, etc.