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Everything posted by Nosin

  1. Hey, thanks for that. Out of wanting to get this mod up working with my current install I've been playing around with VS and git cloning and all sorts of fun for an hour or so, its been fun really. I haven't really touched the dev side of anything really in a long time. I did manage to load up the dev branch into VS, change the dependencies and rebuild the dll for current libraries, but beyond that, I don't have enough understanding of the structure of the mod or the slightest experience working with unity. Your updated dll seems to have fixed the major issues I've seen, though my client is still rather upset with me about some of it, probably some of that is artifact from my own messing about. I'll be trying a minimal install to see how things go. I'm sure it'll be enough to mess with for a while. Anyhow, thank you again for taking the time to do that, I'll be waiting patiently (at least outwardly lol) for the proper release whenever it comes.
  2. Thanks for the fast reply. Its been a while since I've played with VS or coding, but while I wait for the people who know what they are doing to update everything I may as well dust off the old development environment and see if I cant break something even more. Either the mod will be updated or I'll remember how to code and get some hack-fix going on my end, might as well learn how to play with KSP mods. And yes, I completely understand why you don't support manually compiled mods and that setting up VS is outside the scope of support as well.
  3. I'm back to playing KSP after some time away and I'm having a bit of difficulty getting this mod to work with the latest version of KSP. I noticed you said that it needs to be recompiled in order to be used with the latest version of TU, but I seem to be doing that wrong. Every time I run the build bat I get an error: "Unhandled Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path" followed by the path where the build was run from with "\Build\GameData" at the end. I've no experience with modding in KSP other than simply installing mods, so I'm not sure exactly how building mods here works, I'm probably missing a few steps but searching around hasn't helped much. I did try running both master and dev branches of SSTU with the current version of KSP, with DX11 and the fixes for that, and ended up with a few parts working, a few missing textures and many with blank icons.
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