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  1. Thank you @VoidSquid. Good to know that it is definitely a bug.
  2. I'm pretty sure I encountered a bug in part 3 of Dawn of the Space Age. When I leave the atmosphere I don't get the required suggested orbit popping up. It's as if I haven't left the atmosphere at all. Additionally on the new mission of BepiColombo I don't get arrived at Moho popping up despite being in orbit of Moho. I have to say this is very frustrating and I'm really disappointed in the missions as a result, very poor DLC, this game deserves better.
  3. As above, I launch the jebputnik out of the atmosphere but the suggested orbit won't show up. Has anyone seen this before? Is this a bug?
  4. I was doing the above mission that came with 1.10 and despite fulfilling several mission objectives such as arrive at Moho I can't get them checked as completed. This is weird because the objective of putting the lander down on Moho is checked as completed but not arriving at Moho.
  5. @Starwasterthanks for the reply. I'm sure I'm using the correct fuels for the command and control engines for instance hydrazine with the early thrusters, yet the engineer reports that the fuel is unused and the thruster is not receiving the monopropellant that it needs. I've attached a screenshot of my craft in the VAB with the aerobe despin module as an example. It can't even access it's own helium tank. This issue is occurring in career mode. When I go into sandbox mode I have many more fuel type options for the RCS thrusters and the only one that the engineer report won't flag as unused is the monopropellant, all others, hydrazine, nitrogen etc are flagged as unused and I get the "engines not receiving propellant" warning. Again thanks in advance for any help or advice.
  6. Hi, I recently installed RO/RSS and RP-0 and I'm having an issue with my RCS. None of my RCS turn on and in the VAB the flight engineer keeps reporting "unused monopropellant", even with the aerobe despin module which has its own supply of helium. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on a way to fix this, I love these mods and I've reinstalled multiple times and googled a possible solution and cant find one. This is my last effort to fix please help! I'm running on KSP 1.2.2, thanks in advance for any advice. My game data folder:
  7. Hi guys, Recently I've started a RSS, RO, RP-0 career but I'm having some issues. Firstly I can't get any of the command and control units such as the aerobe despin module and the RCS thrusters to work. The flight engineer reports "such and such not receiving monopropellant". This even happens with the aerobe despin module which has its own supply of fuel. As well as this I cannot seem to be able to stage properly. Whenever I stage my first stage the second stage tank is "destroyed by aerodynamic forces", basically it just loses its trajectory and falls apart on staging. I've searched high and low for answers to these issues and even built an exact replica of the orbiting rocket from the RO wiki but it just falls apart at the when I activate the second stage. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated as I think these mods look amazing and i'm so eager to play them. My mod list is B9 aerospace procedural wings Community resource pack Community tech tree connected living space Contract configurator Contract packs Deadly reentry Engine group controller FASA FAR Firespitter Forgotten real engines FShanger extended Hubs JSI Kerbal construction time Near future everything Procedural fairings Procedural parts Realism Overhaul RCS build aid Real chute Real fuels Real heat Real plume RSS Remote tech RP-0 SCANsat Ven stock revamp I'm currently running KSP 1.2.2. Thanks in advance for any advice
  8. Hi guys, Recently I've started a RSS, RO R0-P career but I'm having serious issues. Firstly I can't get any of the command and control units such as the aerobe despin module and the RCS thrusters to work. The flight engineer reports "such and such not receiving monopropellant". This even happens with the aerobe despin module which has its own supply of fuel (helium). As well as that I cannot seem to be able to stage properly. Whenever I stage my first stage the second stage tank is "destroyed by aerodynamic forces", basically it just falls apart and loses its trajectory on staging. I've searched high and low for answers to these issues and even built an exact replica of the orbiting rocket from the RO wiki but it just falls apart. Any and all advice would be much appreciated as I want to play these amazing mods but have all but given up on them. My full mod list is: B9 Aerospaec Procedural wings Community resource pack Community tech tree Connected living space Contract configurator Contract Packs Deadly reentry Engine group controller FASA FAR Firespitter Forgotten real engines FShanger extended Hide empty tech tree nodes Hubs JSI Kerbal construction time Near future Procedural fairings Procedural parts Realism Overhaul RCS build aid Real chute Real fuels Real Heat Real plume Real solar system Remote tech RP-0 scan sat ven stock revamp I'm currently running KSP 1.2.2. Thanks in advance
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