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  1. Hey all, this has been happening for a while and I've never really told anyone since its probably silly, I've seen conflicting things on google saying that scatterer is hard to run and from others that's its quite easy to run and has minimal fps consumption. So here's what i would like to know. When i run eve or basically any other visual enhancements mod together i get constant 60 fps (which i capped it at), and when i run scatterer by itself i get 60 the problem is when i run eve and scatterer together my fps drops down to 45 even when i just have a cockpit places on the launch pad. I've tried turning off the water shaders and the terrain shadows, even turned all my graphics to the lowest but i always get around 45 fps. One thing to note is at night time my fps will go up to around 50. I've heard of people running eve and scatterer together on gtx 1060 3gb's without any fps drop. So why would it be happening to me My specs: RX 480 4gb i7 7700 16gb ram All my drivers are up to date I've tried over multiple versions of the game and they all seem to have the same results. Any help will be much appreciated
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